Chapter 24 - Fear

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Y/n was sitting at a table with everyone as they ate breakfast, everyone was chatting like normal when Kokoa stood up.

"hey Y/n, can I have some more blood" Kokoa said.

"no, I'm a Destroyer not a blood bank for vampires to take a bite from whenever they get hungry" Y/n replied.

In a split second Y/n jumped backwards only to see the chair he was on be destroyed by Kokoa holding a large hammer.

"fine if you won't give it, then I'll have to make you bleed myself" Kokoa said as she began to attack Y/n with her hammer while he simply dodged and ate his bowl of noodles calmly.

"Well good news is she's back to her old self, bad news she's batshit crazy" Y/n thought as he effortlessly dodged her attacks.

"Morning Star!!" Kokoa yelled as he hammer changed into a large mace....but even that didn't work.

"so while you waste your energy I have to ask, what's with all the high kicks do you lot not remember your wearing skirts or are you trying to gain male attention" Y/n said calmly.

"no you pervert" said Kokoa annoyed.

As she swung her weapon down Y/n disappeared before he reappeared standing on top of the mace.

"I see so you prefer females then" Y/n said.

"just shut up and bleed already" Kokoa yelled as she got angry.

As this continued for a few more minutes Y/n was finished and appeared at the table and placed his bowl down. As he did everyone backed up as Kokoa was charging right at him.

"I've got you now" Kokoa yelled. As she did Y/n once again disappointed as she smashed the table to pieces, turning around everyone saw Y/n standing in to void.

"you asked me to teach you so I'll give you free advice, there's something everyone of you lacks....and I'm about to teach you what that thing is" Y/n said in a serious tone, as he did Kokoa not getting the message charged at him right before an unbelievable amount of power smashed into her and everyone else and for the first time in history....monsters of Yokai Academy and S class monsters felt fear creep into their hearts.

As Y/n was unleashing a godly amount of power everyone even the two Moka's felt as if death was breathing down on them ready to claim their souls at any moment

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As Y/n was unleashing a godly amount of power everyone even the two Moka's felt as if death was breathing down on them ready to claim their souls at any moment.

"like that will stop me" Kokoa yelled as she slowly made her way to him, but the closer she got the more scared she became. And soon as she was in front of Y/n she dropped to her knees as the fear had taken over. Y/n watched as everyone had a look of fear in them. But as he looked at Kokoa she was on her hands and knees shaking like mad.

As Y/n power began to disappear he continued looking down as the now terrified Kokoa who was still shaking and crying.

"Kokoa" Y/n said, as he kneeled down to her level he placed his hand under her chin and made her look at him. As he did he saw tears going down her face.

"Kokoa, do you know why I did that" Y/n said, he watched as the terrified Kokoa tried to speak but shaked her head instead.

"the reason I did that was because you lot seemed to think you were invincible. Believe me when I say this, I can count if one hand the amount of times I saw people who were immortal die. There's nothing wrong with having confidence in your abilities but don't let that turn into arrogance" Y/n said but now Kokoa and the others were probably to scared to listen. Sighing Y/n placed his hands around Kokoa as she was shaking and hugged her tightly.

"you've learned a valuable lesson Kokoa, fear isn't a bad thing it teaches us what our limits are and can help make you stronger. Remember this there will always be someone stronger than you" Y/n said as he held the scared Kokoa close to him. Everyone looked on surprised, while they were still shocked at Y/n's raw power they were surprised as Kokoa for the first time looked completely defenseless and scared.


After everyone had calmed down they were all sitting at a new table as they continued with breakfast.

" Lord Y/n, was that your full power" asked a curious Ruby.

"no, I was only letting out a fraction of my power" Y/n said nonchalantly.

Everyone's eyes widen as they heard that wasn't his full power.

"wait...then how much power was that then" said Ginei.

"if I had to put a number on it I'd say about five percent" Y/n said.

"FIVE PERCENT!!!" yelled everyone other than Y/n.

"I..I never thought a human could be on that level of power" said Kurumu.

"Well...your half right" Y/n said gaining everyone's attention.

"half right, what's that meant to mean" said Akua.

"Well I'm only half Human" Y/n said.

"wait you are, so what are you" asked Tsukune.

"I'm half human, half Saiyan" Y/n replied.

"Saiyan, I don't think I've herd of that before" Moka said.

"Saiyans are a race of warriors, unlike other races Saiyans have very unique abilities that only apply to them" Y/n said.

"what are these abilities" asked Kahlua.

"we can read minds, telekinesis, Zenkai Boost we gain more power if we survive a near death experience, we can become a great ape which increases our power dramatically. Expedited Healing, Ki manipulation, because I'm a hybrid I have a power increase than a pure blooded Saiyan, Superhuman strength, Immense Fighting Determination and we can also transform into several forms which also increases our power" Y/n said and he saw everyone confused.

"did you say you can read minds" said Moka.

"and use Telekinesis" said Kahlua.

"and get a power boost from near death experiences" said Ruby.

"did you say something about a great ape" asked Ginei.

"what's a super Saiyan" asked Tsukune.

"yes I did, and by Great Ape you mean Oozaru. Yes we Saiyans are born with tails that allow us to change into a fifty foot ape that increases our destructive powers by about ten times our normal power" Y/n explained.

As everyone tried to take that in.

"wait you have a tail" said a surprised Tsukune.

"yeah of course I do" Y/n replied as everyone saw a brown tail appear from under the table.

As everyone looked at it amazed Ginei decided to take a closer look before making a smug comment.

"this little tail is yours, it doesn't look very strong to me.." Ginei was interrupted as Y/n's tail quickly wrapped around his neck and began chocking the life out of him.

"now then, as for a Super Saiyan it's a transformation that is unique to Saiyans a single Saiyans can possess many super Saiyans transformations I have about nine with each one dramatically increasing my power" Y/n spoke calmly despite still choking the life out of Ginei.

"why kind of power ups do they give" asked Akua.

"the first super saiyan increases my power by  fifty, the second by one hundred, third is four hundred and the fourth is four thousand. But that's only the first four transformations I have I still have my god transformations and a technique thought to me by angels" Y/n said.

"um Lord Y/n" Moka said in a shy voice.

Y/n looked to see her pointing to a now unconscious Geini who was blue in the face. Y/n the through his unconscious body over to the beds.

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