Chapter 23 - What Is A Monster??

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After having Super Shenron to separate both Moka's into separate bodies Y/n and the others made their way to his home and soon were standing in front of a door.

"this is where we will be training" Y/n said. As he opened the door everyone was shocked to see nothing but a white empty void.

"W..what is this place" said Kahlua.

"this is called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, inside times moves at three hundred and sixty five point two four times that of this dimension" Y/n said confusing most of them.

"in the simplest terms, one year in here equals one day out there" Y/n said as he closed the door locking everyone inside.

"now that we're here, Tsukune your with me and so the rest of you you can do what you want but do not inter in our training" Y/n said as he grabbed  Tsukune and walked into the void with him.

"now then first you need to learn how to control Ki, Ki is dependent of the physical body of the user unlike magic Ki is present in every living creature... If your ready then we can begin" Y/n said.

As Y/n begun teaching Tsukune how to control his Ki someone was also paying attention to the lessons.


After the first day of training everyone had gone to sleep except Y/n who was currently meditating and speaking with Lucifer, but as he was he could feel someone approach him and sighed.

"and here I thought everyone was sleeping, so Kokoa...what do I owe the pleasure" Y/n said as he opened his eyes to see Kokoa standing there.

"I want you to train me" Kokoa said

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"I want you to train me" Kokoa said.

"now why would I do that, unlike Tsukune your an S class monster so why would you need me to train you" Y/n said.

"because I want to defeat Moka for once and finally claim that I beat her" Kokoa said.

"despite being siblings she has a rivalry with Moka...jist like me, Goku and Vegeta" Y/n thought to himself.

"ok I'll make you a deal, if you can land a single hit on me I'll train you" Y/n said.

And so for the next year Y/n's life would consist of Training Tsukune in the morning and at night dodge Kokoa's attacks. But as this continued Kokoa's sister had cought on and decided to join Kokoa so now Y/n had to dodge Kokoa, Both Moka's, Kahlua and Akua's attacks.

It's been almost a Year since everyone first entered The Chamber. Tsukune has come a long way as he is now able to control his Ki for flight and other techniques, meanwhile with the five vampires it's been a year and they haven't hit him once but during this time Y/n had grown a strange relationship with them. At first it was a Master and Student relationship but soon Y/n noticed that the girls had other ideas about this relationship.

Y/n how had just woken up was currently staring at the ceiling sighing.

"you know I had a feeling this might happen" Lucifer said to Y/n.

"and you didn't warn me about it" Y n said.

"hey I didn't know that you would take a liking to you so fast. Beside why are you upset I know for a fact that Ddraig's partner would kill to be in your position" Lucifer said.

Y/n's eye twitched as he tried to sit up but couldn't due to having Kahlua and Akua holding on to his arms while Kokoa and Moka(Inner) were currently laying ontop of him. After managing to escape the grip of four vampires Y/n was out in the void standing by himself when he heard footsteps approach him.

"so can I help you miss Akashiya" Y/n said as the kind Moka stood beside Y/n.

"I see my sisters have taken a liking to you" Moka said

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"I see my sisters have taken a liking to you" Moka said.

"yes well I see you and the others have a thing for my little brother it seems" Y/n replied.

"Y..yeah" Moka said.

As everything had gone quiet again Moka asked Y/n a question that surprised him.

"hey Lord Y/n" Moka said.

"yeah" replied.

"it's just I have to know something, do you hate monsters" Moka asked surprising Y/n a bit.

"a strange question but ok, for I'm honest then yes I do hate monsters" Y/n said this which surprised Moka, as she was shocked Y/n could hear noises coming from behind them mean the others heard his answer as well.

"what but why" Moka asked angry, as Y/n sighed he turned to Moka to see her looked angry.

"tell me Moka, what do you classify as a monster" Y/n asked confusing her.

"Classify, A monster is someone that isn't human and has abilities not ordinary humans have. Their normally seen as bigger, stronger and and fighting" Moka said.

"really, you see that's just it you're views on monsters are shared with the world, bigger, Stronger and Frighting but that's what separates me from everyone else. I don't believe that someone's appearance or abillites makes them a monster, but rather what they do with the power is what determines if your a monster or not" Y/n said surprising Moka and the others who were listening. As Moka was thinking about what Y/n said he sighed as she clearly was confused at what he said.

"Moka, let's say you met a dragon and that dragon turned out to be the most kind hearted being in the world...would you still call it a monster" Y/n said as he saw Moka finally realising what Y/n meant.

" I wouldn't" Moka said.

"now you see for my point of view, as I said born normal or not appearance and abilities don't make you a monster...what you do with that power determines if your a monster or not. Unfortunately it seems the rest of the world doesn't think the same way...not even those calling themselves monsters think the way I do" Y/n said as Moka made her way back to the others.....

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