Chapter 5 - Finally Over

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After leaving Rimuru City Y/n had began making his way to the next location when Whis had cought back up with him.

"Whis, what are you doing back here?" Y/n asked confused.

"everything has been set up my lord, Rags said she'd stay behind to finish up on a few things" Whis said while Y/n nodded.

As they continued to fly to their stop Y/n saw it in view, their next stop was Beacon Academy one of the four Academy's that help fight off creatures known as Grimm. As they for closer something was off as Y/n saw a large group standing in front of the Academy.

"Whis what's going on down there" Y/n asked and both of them had stopped flying.

"it would appear as the factions have informed others of our arrival" Whis said making Y/n sigh.

"which I'm guessing means that it's not just Beacon down there" Y/n said.

"you would be corrent my Lord" Whis said making Y/n sigh.

"well let's go meet the Welcoming Part" Y/n said and he started to descend.

With The Academy's

Standing in front of Beacon Academy as a Large group of People, These people were there to represent their Academy's in something yet to be explained to them.

"I'm sure your all wondering why we brought you here, today you'll be representing yourself and your fellow Acadamy's in this upcoming meeting" Ozpin said. Head of Beacon Academy.

"Professor if this is just a meeting then why is there people from five separate academies" asked Wiess a member of Beacon's Team RWBY.

"while we would agree this meeting is far to important to be taken lightly" said Nezu, Head of U.A Academy.

"this meeting is the most important thing you'll do in life, which is why you will respect him and his associates with the up most respect" said Glynda. Second in command at Beacon Academy.

"him, who's him?" said Momo, a student at U.A Academy.

"I believe she's referring to me" said a voice from above the group.

With Y/n

Y/n watched as everyone turned to him and Whis. As Y/n and Whis descended onto the group the leaders and head of the Academy's stepped forward.

"Lord Y/n it's an honor to meet you" said Ozpin as he along with the other kneeled in front of him.

"yes seeing as you all know who I am I'll keep this short, you...." just as Y/n was about to continue a stage red and black haired girl had appeared in front of him.

" just as Y/n was about to continue a stage red and black haired girl had appeared in front of him

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"howdidyoudothatisthatyouresemblence" the young energetic girl said.

As Y/n simple smiled at the girls attitude meanwhile the leaders looked terrified.

"Miss Rose its highly inappropriate to.." as Glynda said this Y/n interrupted.

"it's fine she can speak" Y/n said surprising Glynda.

"so what's your name" Y/n asked the girl standing in front of him.

"oh my name is Ruby Rose" the girl now known as Ruby held her hand out and Y/n shoke it.

"well Ruby my name is Y/n, I have to admit no many would approach a destroyer god like you did" as Y/n said this Ruby's eyes widen.

"destroyer god?" Ruby said while tilting her head slightly.

"I'm sure your teachers can fill you all in but for now I'll keep it short shall I, I'm a Destroyer God who's been place in changed of this universe. My job is to maintain the balance no matter the cost so as long as you all stay in line we won't have any problems...Understand" As Y/n said this all the leaders nodded.

"good, now I have a task for you" Y/n said.

"what would that be Lord Y/n" said Ozpin.

"I have other matters to attend to so I need you to inform the magic guilds of Fiore of my job here and inform them that if they also stay in line I will leave them be" Y/n said while everyone nodded.

"good well then I believe we're done here" Y/n said this before leaving with Whis.

As they were flying through the sky, Yen asked Whis to take him home.

"how can you and Beerus do this, it's so tiresome" Y/n said before letting out a big sigh of relief.

"after a few years you'll get use to it, now you know the responsibility of a destroyer" Whis said.

After a few minutes of flying Y/n had eventually came to his new home.

"um Whis are you sure this is it?" Yen asked confused.

"yes why is something wrong with it" Whis asked.

"well its...a little big" Y/n said as he was expecting something well....smaller.

"I see, well as a God of Destruction now we thought it would be best to have a house size your familiar with" Whis said.

"I know but did you really need to copy Bulma's home exactly, I mean you even got the land around it" Y/n said as they landed in front of the door.

"are you not happy with it" Whis asked confused.

"it's not that I'm upset or ungrateful for it but this place could whole the entire Nemekian race" Y/n said. Sighing Y/n decided just to ignore It for now.

"well whatever, I'm going to take a nap before training so yeah" Y/n said this and entered the home before making his way to the bedroom, as he got there he laid on the bed before hearing the door open and Rags walked in.

"Rags...can I help you" Y/n said in a sleepy tone.

"the training rooms been set up, what would you like me to do now" Rags said.

Without saying a word Y/n grabbed Rags and pulled her on the bed next to him.

"hey what the, let go of me" Rags said this while trying to escape the sleeping Y/n's grip...and failed, sighing she simply looked at Y/n who was fast asleep now.

"great....well I guess a nap couldn't hurt" Rags said this before giving in and deciding to sleep beside Y/n...

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