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A mates love is lazy.
The love just falls onto you, you don't fight or cry or break for the love. You do all that after the love.
I want a love you fight for, cry and break for, before the love falls onto you. I want to have everything mates have and more.

It's not that I don't believe in the moon goddess and her blessings of a mate, it's just I'm not sure what to believe or to believe at all.

Yes context lovers, I am a bit of an out-of-the-box thinker in the paranormal community. I just don't understand a LOT of things in life, in particular - my life.

I don't want to find true love or a mate too soon at all, and if I do then they better be prepared because I am not waisting my life.
Not that it would be a waste immediately settling down... but I know I wanna see and explore the world, I wanna find myself before I find my other half. Eh, another thing for any context lovers out there - is that I had more of a varied up-bringing than your average gal you'd find round here.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention one of the biggest parts of my life: I am darn great at being completely unsocial. I see it as a talent and I'll include it on my next CV! Sometimes I reckon grammy awards should be given out to my applaudable efforts.


My phones incessant buzzing pulled me from my thoughts. Crap! Crap, I'm late AGAIN!
I dash over to the mirror to check my chosen attire for the day, also checking my bag and loosely tying the laces of my shoes. In no time at all I'm flying out the door and down the steps.

Here comes one of the worst parts of the school day, the dreaded corridors - when they're packed full of students.
I squeezed and pushed my way through the crowds, eventually though, they started to thin out as everyone dawdled to their own classes.
I really would appreciate just to have one break-time without any detentions.
Just once.

I dash through my classroom door way, making a little too much noise; not that anyone noticed.


Here I'm kinda blended into the background.
If my antisocial demeanour doesn't see to it then my everyday clothing choice of joggers/cargos and a comfy hoodie does. Sometimes I even treat my fellow classmates to a preview of my collection of awe-inducing crocks. I know, it's awe-mazing!

I weaved my way to my back corner seat and got settled.

One painstakingly long hour was followed by yet another painstakingly long hour.

Shrill shrieking of the bell echoed out through the school, shortly following was the sounds of a mad scramble to get packed away and escape first.
I too joined that mad scramble.
A futile effort though, for me and any other student.

If the queue of everyone tryna fit through one doorway wasn't enough then how about corridors being so chocka-block that you can barely get into them.
It takes at least five minutes just to get outside. So it's understandable why I never go to any of the cafeterias, or going out of my way to avoid these situations.
For me it's usually outside for a while and then I might go find a quiet area in the big ol' library.

I wouldn't describe myself as a book worm - though I don't mind a good book - it's more to just sorta have some peace from everybody  and sometimes do some homework or revision.
The library is one of this schools very few indoor safe heavens.

As soon as I make it through the doors and away from the bustling crowds, the fresh, clear, crisp air hits my lungs, and man is it good!
I'm definitly an outside person.
Compared to being trapped in school all day, outside i feel freedom and joy, like I've just broken from the prison chains provided by the educational system and basically every annoying person in my life.

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