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Unsure of what to expect, I decided on wearing some workout shorts and a sport top underneath some joggers and a hoodie. Surely this will equip me for the worst! I won't overheat. I won't freeze. Cool.
I arrived to the dinning area 10 minutes early, finding a table in the back corner so I could get a good view point of everywhere in the room. That plan was great. Until it filled up with annoying people who I could not see past. Even standing up I wasn't tall enough, if I stood on a chair I'll stick out like a sore thumb. Is that a bad thing or good thing? Meh. I shrugged before climbing onto a chair to look around.
No. No I did not stick out like a sore thumb because somehow I was still the same height as the majority and there were even people taller!! Can you believe that?! This chair is obviously on the small side.

I will never in my life describe myself as small. I know I'm not the tallest but I'm a good average height of 5'7. I'm still waiting on at least one more inch before I reach my optimum height.
"AHH!" I clutch my thumping heart quickly spinning round, readying to whack someone over the head. Oh Taylor. You poor poor boy.
He be bouta get his ass whooped!
I knee him straight in the balls while simultaneously shoving an elbow to the guy, I quickly moved around him giving off a solid whack across the back of the head. Content with my work, I brushed my hands off and strolled out. A minute had passed before I noticed a shift, jumping out the way, I dodged his incoming attack. Not that we were outside there was a lot more space. I guess this is the initial introduction then. He took advantageous me regaining my balance by tackling me to the ground, although with a few twisty manoeuvres I managed to get on top, one of his arms secured behind his back, my foot prevented him from lifted his head back, as I sat comfortably on his deflated form.
"Okay! Okay! You win. Tapping out! Damn you win!" Taylor called out breathlessly. I released him from my hold, getting up and then pulling him up. I noticed we'd earned a few glances and stares but they all soon got back to their own thing.
"So, I'll admit, your pretty good."
"Woah, if pretty good was all it took to get you on your ass then I think we both know who the trainer and trainee are." I sassed.
"Actually it was me belly, not my arse." He corrected nonchalantly.
I can already tell we are gonna have some fun together. I like this jokey vibe we have as well. It's pretty darn cool.

"Come on. Let's get to the real training."
"Wait, what about dinner?"
"Isn't that why you were early?"
"You can't get the dinner early because they don't serve it early!" I said mind-blown at the fact I'd have no dinner - again.
"Oh i didn't know that at all..."
Shoving his head to the side, I flipped the bird as I walked ahead.  It a clue where we were headed but there you go. 

We arrived at the tall barn place with those big hanger doors, inside was not exactly what I'd pictured. It was basically this humongous gym things with everything in it. When I say everything I mean they have things like climbing walls, nets, monkey bars, weird ceiling and wall shit, a pool, weird things in the pool, fighting rings, sand pits, revert range of weights and cardio and shit you can find in your planet fitness or 24 hour gym.
"Hell yeah! This place is freaking awesome!" I shout; I think this place will be joining my list of fav places!!
"Oooo ya'll even got yourselves a yoga corner!" I squeal, excitement bubbling through me.
"Haha yeah, but that's only after you've destroyed yourself on all these death machines." He commented glancing around.
"Okay then, the soon we start the soon I get some yoga and the soon we'll both get some food!"
"Right! Where to first..."

When people say things like I just died today, you don't think they actually died - obviously - you just know they did a lot of work. So when Taylor said destroyed, It'd just get painful, when he said death machines, it'd just get exhausting. But believe me now, when I say I was not prepared in the slightest. I mean it. My entire body was slick and dripping with sweat. Every single fibre of ever muscle screamed. I also found new muscles I'd never even realised were there - let alone used. The only thing that kept me on was Taylor's incessant shouting and yelling down my ear. My energy is completely drained. I really shouldn't have chosen to do this when I have an entire day at the ranch tomorrow.

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