Nuh uh

9 1 2

The rest of the morning was spent with Magnus touring me around, several useful introductions, a few possible friends and maybe one foe.
By lunchtime Magnus had been called off to do something 'actually useful', so I was left to me own devices.
I sat on a rock, gazing over the spectacular views of this place. The trees, hills, valleys, mountains rolled on forever into the horizon. The suns heat beat down on me but I'll always appreciate a nice tan. Right now, in this moment I feel content. Content with life right at this second - excluding yesterday or the day before that, today, tomorrow or the day after that.

My mind wonders to the strange scent that's somehow drawing me in. Then to the guy that holds the scent, something draws me to him as well. Strange. Maybe it's just me? I think back to Sheilas situation, to how she described it, then I find my self comparing the two situations, the tell tale signs of Shiela's mate to whatever the hells going on with me. Damn, it must be the heat, why the hell should I be doing that?!

Magnus had mentioned that there would be a lunch severed at midday so I decided to go to that.
As I wait for the populated crowd around the lunch table to thin I notice a shift in the room. A group of people suddenly shuffle my way, so much so that I'm now in front of them. But before I could think about getting my food I understood why. This must be the infamous Alpha Karydiarn. I've yet to see the face and hear the voice of this guy. He carried himself powerfully through the separating people, his eyes scanning the crowd. He was pretty darn tall, broad shoulders as well, not to mention the cliche Alpha muscle, his hair was shorter around the sides but still a little shaggy, his hair on top seemed soft but still wild as it grew longer. He had a tanned complexion, thick dark eyebrows, over hazel green eyes. Eyes that seemed to have a light hazel colour in the shallow depth, but as you look deeper the darker forest green emerges. He has prominent cheek bones and a jaw line, a scar decorates along the left side of his face, another along the eyebrow of the right side. I sensed and angry torment but also a calm - of which I couldn't desire was the eery calm before a storm or a contented calm.

There's that strange fucking scent again. Karydiarn said something in a low tone to whoever stood just behind him, I didn't understand what he said but I felt another shift. Within the room or me I could not tell. In fear of being noticed and conscious of Magnus' earlier warnings I shrink back into the crowd. He seems discontent like he hadn't found what he came here for when he harshly spun around and headed out. However I feel the force of the right side of my body being shoved forward, my right hand still moving forward brushed against something. Almost like a magnetic electricity, was there and then gone as if I'd imagined it. I sharply regained my balance, shrinking back, unnoticed, further into the crowd. When I looked up, I assessed what had happened. The guy that had rushed past me was showing the disgruntled Alpha something on a screen. I searched to what my hand could've brushed that resulted in the peculiar tingle sensation. Although brief, it was very noticeable. However, the only possible person it could've been, from where I had stood was actually Karydiarn. I discreetly observed him. He stared down towards his feet, maybe to his right hand which he was flexing, he looked up to the screen the other guy was holding, then as if he had complete disregard for everything, he just speed walked off, out of the room. Strange.

When I finally did get to the lunch table I wasn't feeling hungry anymore, so I just grabbed an apple and a bottle of water and went to find I nice place outside.

"Do you smell that?" I jumped at the deep voice behind me.
"What?" I said as I turned around. I know I didn't bother to hide the shocked expression on my face as I now regarded Karydiarn.
"That scent, it''s everything at the same time but there's particular hints to it..."
"Can't say that I do." I can.
"Do you want to know something?"
"Depends on what it is."
"I believe my mate is somewhere in my pack, that, or she arrived with the latest business group..." he tilted his head to the side, regarding me.
"You aren't part of my pack, are you meant to be here?"
"Uh yeah?"
He straightened his head, "When did you arrive?"
"Today." I lie.
"Oh. Welcome, I wouldn't advise getting lost at night. Towards the north that is."
"I've been told already."
"Hmm, I'm not sure why i told you about this.." he motioned around him but then to himself. "This mate situation, I did notice a shift yesterday. You tell anyone and your existence will be erased, just as you will be from this earth." He spoke, his tone low and menacing, as if he would actually enjoy doing such an evil act - or at the very least ordering it.
"I'll forget it ever happened." I said in a hard tone. Half my mind was screaming weird things at the other half which was collectively warning me to get the fuck away from this situation. A snap to my left stole my attention for barely a moment, I noticed a shift where the Alpha had once stood, he stands there no more. 

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