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My work tonight was not as joyful as I had earlier depicted; my concern about what Brogan had said was really picking at me. I just need to have answers. So I left off work early and headed straight for the big house.

Man, I haven't been up the steps for quite a while now, I mean everyone's here, it's literally the pack house, and then here I am, not having set foot in this place for months. I take in a deep breath and open the heavy door to slip inside. Once in, I keep my head down and hurry in the direction of the Alphas office.
"Hello, I need to speak with the Alpha?" I ask the secretary person - yup, you heard (or read) me right - a secretary. "Okay, regarding?" "Some weird invitation to a gathering happening?" "Oh of course, Skye, I almost didn't recognise you. You can head on through." I nodded my head and directed myself to the large carved door of one of the many and most dreaded rooms on this place. I knock three times and wait for the grunt of approval to enter. "Ah, Skye, I thought you may be drawn up here sooner or later. "Yes, that's exactly it, so why and do I really have to go?" "Well, yes you do have to go Skye. The reason for that being is that we'll have members from packs all over the place coming to your school. And there are plenty in your age group, myself and a few others have meticulously selected who we think should be at this gathering to great them" "Why me, I mean I'm not sociable in the slightest, nobody knows or notices me." "We both know that's not entirely true now don't we? Everybody knows you, and if you want to be noticed, everybody will notice you, it's just you go to great lengths to recant that notification of yourself- hang on, I need to take this." He jumped up grabbing his phone with the questionable ring tone and left the room.
Damn, I would be a lot more comfy if I could've left this room. 

You are probably wondering what all my pretence is about the pack house, the alphas office and to tell you the truth, in my opinion, it's all perfectly valid. We hadn't always had Alpha Carl, he's only recently become Alpha in the last few years. Our old Alpha was a broken man, he wasn't old or anything, most thought him to be cursed by the moon goddess, too foregone for anyone to help. His name was Alvarco. And he disappeared. Along with half our pack.
When kids are young their parents often tell scary stories of the tyrant Alphas and their packs, it became a reality for us, our pack was the scary bedtime story parents warned their kids with.
It didn't start off with a split pack. I remember our pack being such a happy place. Alvarco was a great man, with so many looking up to him, although his patience was wearing thin to find his mate. So you'd understand that when she found him, she was more like a saviour.
It took them a while to get through a few complications but afterwards it was plain sailing. They had a son and a year later they were expecting again. However, within a matter of weeks left until the Luna's due date, she just disappeared. Just like that. Off the face of the earth. Kailani was never seen again by any of us to this day.

Two years was spent by the pack being exhausted of looking for any clues of the Luna, two years of our Alpha descending into hell. Anguish was all that filled anyone at that time.

And the day came when you might've thought you'd hit rock bottom and the only way is up, but turns out there's a whole world of floors below you had yet to fall to.
Alvarco and half of our pack disappeared. Just like the way Luna Kailani did - never to be seen again to this very day.
The half of the pack that vanished and the half that didn't wasn't exactly random. I started to notice the divide become obvious within the first year of Kailani's disappearance, from there it got worse. They stated to disagree and argue more often, they got into fights and brawls to the point were only Alvarco could stop them.
I don't remember too much detail about those times leading up to the sudden evaporation of people, but I do remember in the weeks leading up the disputes worsened and became more serious, but then on the last week everything just stopped. In an eery way, like the calm before a storm. There was no fighting or arguing or even any odd comment being passed. The nostalgia returns of my younger self preparing to go speak with and interview why everyone was fighting and why they made up; I wanted to be like a detective and solve the case. But before I had my chance they all disappeared, that put a short term dampener on my detective dreams. They were relit with the realisation that I could be a detective for the case of half my missing pack members, Luna, Alpha and shortly after the initial disappearance act, their son.

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