Okay then.

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After the second ring my eardrum was perforated by Noah. "SKYE! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHERE DID YOU GO?!"
"Ow. It's a long story but I'm with Liam right now and you need to come over."
"Liam was gone as well- what were you guys doing??"
"I'll tell you when you get here. Oh and Noah, don't tell anyone."
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Leaving the phone on charge, I headed to the bathroom with the strong urge to piss myself. I should really get some grub myself!
I raid the fridge and cupboards for whatever I can find; eventually coming across my emergency jar of Nutella which leaves is exactly what I need right now. The toast pops up and I have all four slices smothered before a loud knocking resonates throughout the house.

To double check I peek behind some curtains before opening the door and pulling Noah inside. Instantly I'm engulfed in a suffocating hug. "Okay, okay, we're all good." I pat his back.
"Are you okay? You look like shit. What the hell happened?! Where's Liam? How did you guys end up together?"
"NOAH!" I shout. "Calm it, I know and I'm sorry, come on, Liams on the sofa."

"I gave him a sleeping pill so he'll be another few hours asleep."
"Great, just enough time for you to tell me everything." He crossed his arms giving me a stern look.
"Sure but there's a price!"
He rolls his eyes, already guessing what it is I want.
"Four more slices, thoroughly bathed in Nutella?!?"

Finally we settled down and I began with how I had gotten home and Linda had been waiting. I spoke, much to Noah's surprise, of my needing to move to another pack while this council shit blows over. Then how I went to find him; he seemed quiet when I described hiding above his wardrobe when I heard the commotion and saw him upset. I tried to fly past that but, afraid I had invaded his privacy too much, I moved swiftly on. And of course I know it was an invasion of privacy - purposely or not.

We were transfixed in my story, me the passionate speaker, Noah the fascinated listener and Liam, the peaceful sleeper.
Once I had finished the tale I was met by an abruptly loud silence. It wasn't the peaceful, light silence, like you get in a comfortable situation or when you finally get something off your chest and your free from it's weight. No, no this silence was as thick and heavy as the bars that had locked me away and the chains that had held Liam. It was complex and confused, misled and misguided. Symbolism, perhaps, of this situation of my life.

"And you have no idea who this man was?"
"Nope, I turned around one second and the next he was gone."
"Huh. What about the one who locked you up?"
"Oh that was just a foregone guard. I think. He seemed different to the ones I've seen before, mind you I've only ever seen two. And that was quite a while ago."
"Hmm... the way you described it I'm not so sure either.
He could been a foregone or at least on his way to becoming one, I've never seen them when they transition into that state but my dad once talked about it like it was this long and painful process."

By the time Liam tea woke several hours later the situation had officially been de-escalated.
The reason for Liams entrapment wasn't particularly clear - just that he had choices of a punishment for the fights and he still had some kind of training to do so he opted for the cells. I didn't get it at all but that topic was tense and awkward so we moved on. Noah explained his outburst as the result of another argument to with his parents, they spent too much time bothering about everything else than the thing, or people, they should be bothered about most.

I let Liam use the shower to freshen up and when he was done Noah took him back home in the car. Now it's just me again. I wonder when Stacy and Jack are gonna be back...

Yes, in case you were wondering what a 17 year old kid, still in a full time education is doing living home alone; then your explanation has arrived.
You know that whole business with Linda, and what was kept from the council, the reasons and theories surrounding the disappearances and my appearance. Well I was brought in by Stacy and Jack, since I had no desire to be adopted, those two came forward to help me out. Stacy isn't even that much older than me, Jack is now in his fifties and getting on with age, Stacy, his daughter, is in her mid twenties, her mother ran off when she was very young. It's clearly still a touchy subject - as it would be for anyone. Stacy had always wanted siblings, especially when her dad started dating again and Stace just wanted someone on her side of things. Although a lot later in life then previously wanted, the perfect opportunity arose and here we all are. It was especially good timing mostly because of my situation and of Jack finally meeting the potential 'one'.

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