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A sharp split of pain shoots up my neck momentarily from the severity of the speed my neck and head had whipped to the attention of my friends.

Yea, that's me, I should warn you, zoning out is not an irregular occurrence.

"Yoo, you in there?"

"Hurry up, they've got a table."

"Wait, a table?!" I glance around the packed-full dinning area, food and rubbish littered areas of the floor and tables, all ages of kids shouting and making a mess while kidding around.

Oh and the smell, I can't stand.
It's just like a massive mushed mush of a whole load of sweaty people squished together, then add the smell of the kitchens and damp soap and the people in general.
Uh-uh, not the best mixture.

I groaned both internally and externally as I moved to follow the trail of the others, bee-lining for the table they had settled at.

Once settled, I got out some sandwiches from my lunch and joined the conversations - rather sociable of me - I know!

"Did you guys ask if you allowed out Friday?"

"I'm all good"

"Yea we all did"

"Great so shall we make a plan!"

"Hold up, why do we need a plan, there's no sneaking involved this time?", I asked as I snorted at the comment.

"Uh-uh there's always gotta be one plan to use. "

"Exactamo! Now, if we all meet up at the south west gate, Logan'l bring his car."

"Uhh, who said I was designated dick driver?"

"The timetable Shan made that I have been crossing off every time we go out."


"And, it's your turn."

"Aww come onnn, really?"

"Really really. At least you can get drunk next time though!"

"Fair enough, guess I'm the DDD."

"Kool beans!!"

Yeaaa the DDD or designated dick driver is a little weird, but in our defence it's always a dick move to be the one to end the party - especially when its a realllll goood party.

"Okey and we are just going into town to the cinema and dinner, hanging out - if anyone asks."

"Yass, a lack corroboration between organised criminals is one of the main reasons they get caught out!"

"So now we criminals?" I ask quizzically.

"Well in the eyes of the law and pack.. yes, yes we are."

"But in our eyes?" I urged to whoever would pick up my line.

"We all Gucci!" Logan proclaimed victoriously.

I actually enjoyed this lunch time much more than I would've thought - for eating in the cafeteria.

Despite this, it was only the case up until a certain group of someone's decided to come out of their little play area and into the wider hunting ground.

Allow me to introduce to you the wider community of my day-to-day life. My friends, who are already present but haven't exactly been formerly introduced - all in good time.

Within our small circle, we have a few lessons together and hang out inside and outside of school together.
We are basically our own tight-knit family; hello and welcoming any Friends fans out there!

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