I'm here

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As soon as I got in i put on some water to boil on the aga for my noodles.
I laid out my bowl and sources ready for the noodles and sat at the breakfast bar drumming my fingers. I noticed the lines of dirt underneath my fingernails; work tonight involved a bit more dirt than normal...

"Ehem!" Spiked fear shot through me as I flew out of my seat; as soon as I reached the ground again I whipped round to where the noise had come from.
"Skye, you know it's not good for the body to eat that many carbs before bed?"
"Linda, did you know it's not good for the body to experience unnecessary shocks?"
"Hmm, ill have to research that and come back to you with my answer."
I sighed, "Okay, what are you doing back here - I wasn't expecting you for at least another few weeks?"
"Yes, that was the plan..." she took a sharp intake of air, "but plans change - as do people."
"Er are you going to elaborate?"
"Oh, fine Skye, you really do make it difficult to do these things with some politeness! You are leaving. You should pack your bags tonight and be ready by... the morning."
I scoffed at her blank canvased face. "What?"
"Skye, do you believe this is a joke?"
"Well for it to be a joke it would require you to be funny and for that you'd actually have some form of personality - which we all know is not possible. So, I ask again, what?"

She took a very long and very loud breath, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"No Skye. Listen, as I said before things change, people change. And your situation has changed due to both of those things. Okay?"
It was my turn to take a long breath.
"That's great, but it still does not explain anything to me. Get it. What. Are. You. Talking. About?"
"Agh, fine, fine! I said I wouldn't say anything but clearly that's not an option! Right, you staying here was only meant to be temporary. Your a 17 year old girl whose still in high school, living alone right now and has a part time job."
"Yes, I do and I am. That was the agreement. A stable home until I leave high school. And clearly I'm not leaving high school yet. Oh and it's too late to change schools this close to my finals. Like they won't allow it without a very good reason, which I won't give."
"You won't be changing schools. Just were you live."
"Uh-huh and what about my job? Does that come into this weird hysteria plot of yours?"
"Well I'd assume you could keep on the job, if you stay on the good side."
"Okay, you know what? I am done here. Goodbye, Goodnight, and don't come back until I finish school." I growl at her and hurry over to the water which has now boiled over. I shove some noodles in and stick the lid half on this time.

"Damn, you really are one annoying bitch."
"Hmm, that's funny, it's what people say about you"
"Thank-you Skye, as polite as ever."
I put my hands up in a mock surrender pose, "Hey, I'm not the one who started it!" I can literally here her grinding her teeth from here. Haha!

"Okay. You are moving house. Moving pack. Moving rank."
"Oh that's a toughie since I don't have a rank."
"Well, whatever natural alpha rank you would've had. Has been demoted to an omega rank." She stated nonchalantly as if she had just rubbed my face in a cow shit.
Yes, that's what being an omega would feel to a select few. But not me and many others. It's a total vantage point. Especially if you have skills, like literally every omega put out there. People just let their guard down around you, ingnor you or your just that irrelevant to their own self centred-ness they don't even realise your present existence. It's kinda awesome and everything I have been striving for at school. So it would be even better in a pack.

"Damn, really?! Thank-you!"
"Only to you, your welcome."
"Cool, well you can leave now. Any...any moment now. That's good. Bye-bye. Nope, ohh okay then."
She sighed, rather desperately sounding. Almost broken through! "Look, I'm gonna break my awesome exterior just this once, for you. The agreement ran out, the council is making some serious shifts in laws, bi-laws, leadership, everything. That includes situations such as yourself. As you well know, the situation regarding you and you present self, was never bought to the councils attention. Which means you need to be hidden and well."

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