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I didn't feel like going back to my temporary home. Not if I was gonna have to leave properly. I'll lose my job, my education will be messed up, I'll miss my friends, who knows what it's gonna be like there, and when I can come home. I chose, instead, to head to my actual home. I pulled into the drive way and dashed to the door. Somehow the rain had still managed to soak me, even in such a short distance. Slamming the door shut behind me I breathed in the home air. You know when you come home after a while and you notice the smell. It was never noticeable before but now it's the only place I wanna be. Home.

I spent an hour not doing anything important, although I did put some stuff in the car I'd been meaning to retrieve. If I'm seen here by the council they will ask questions - a lot less questions then if I'm seen at the Cruor Bane pack. Though I'm sure they won't be bothering scouring the forests today. Leaving my clothes in a pile on the back porch, I shift and sprint into the forest along the paths I'd been so used too. The rain beat down on me - soaking my fur coat, and the winds iciness whipped through my fur, shaking the trees and branches. I ran and ran and just kept running.

As a human I'm much more in control of my emotions - the opposite can be said for you wolf. This generally comes with being a shifter. The wolf is more primal and an animal so take my wolf, who is effectively being forced to leave her home to a strange land with strange people. Did I even mention the shit that comes with separating from your pack. There's few basics a wolf needs to live a happy life. The top of the list goes with food, pack, mate. I've got the food part sorted, pack thing is complicated and don't even bother with the mate thing.

I'm not sure for how many miles I ended up running, but eventually I rounded into a loop to head back home. When I was almost back I shifted after finding a pile of clothes. Now in my human form I'll be able to remember the forest for the last time in a while, I've no clue when we're leaving but I'd imagine it'll be sudden. When I reach the house and check my phone there's three missed calls, one from Magnus and two from Taylor. Shortly, I get on the road to the Cruor Bane pack. Connecting my phone, I put on a soundtrack of Bon Iver.

The once large airy space in the pretty much common like room in the pack house was packed full (forgive the pun - it was unintentional this time:). I had every intention to slip off to my room and hide in my duvet. Maybe drown a few sorrows in some romantic comedies, period pieces, chocolate & sweets, snacks and of course alcohol. But it's clear I should stick around and see what's up, then get down to the real business.

At first I smelt his scent as it drew the silence of his pack, then I heard his voice, authoritatively earning lowered heads and complete attention. Almost smacking my head at how reapplying the perfume had slipped my mind, I gripped my hands together, anxiously praying this would be over so I could escape.
"By now you all would've heard the situation regarding our relationship with an old friend back home. Also that our time here has come to an end. We may well return, we may choose not to. You are commended on your adaptability to the circumstances, and to whatever is required of you. Together we are a pack. We will face any threat who dares near the line. And we will destroy every part of them, leaving no merciful survivor to tell the tale. Of course we have yet to come to an understanding of this new council, who believe they hold the power. Make no mistake, they make one wrong move, and we will wipe them of their power and lives."
I swallowed nervously, this dude really thinks he's gonna take the council, but then again I really have no idea about this dude or the extent of his pack and power. I'm not sure anyone does.
The alpha had stopped speaking for a moment, he lifted his head higher, eyes suddenly alert and scanning round. Instinctively I shrank down, allowing the bodies surrounding to cloud me into the background.
He cleared his throat. "Tomorrow evening we'll be leaving." He finished as he marched out of the room. The people he'd stomped past visibly shook, the whole room head their heads bent down, some cowering over - is their alpha angry now? As people began to mutter and the volume increased I took this as my cue to sneak up and replenish my scent. I hurry up the stairs and along corridors. As soon as I enter my room I dive for the perfume, quickly and sufficiently spraying on myself, hair and clothes, then a few in the air. I grab some moisturiser, applying to my arms, legs, neck and waist. Right. Should be good now.

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