A little birdie

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While I'll admit my knowledge on the topic is somewhat limited, it is still however, in depth enough to establish some basic details. Like the tell-tale signs of a mate, the feelings, emotions, instincts. Everything pulling you in one direction; undeniable and unforgettable sensations run throughout your entire being.
All because whatever your world and thoughts and self used to revolve around, has been completely unearthed, and switched over to this new all-encompassing being.
A person, whom you'd have have no problem doing anything for them, wether it'll be a life of pain and missery, sacrificing the second most dear thing to you (because we all know the most dear thing would be simply unsacrificable.... if your still not on the wavelength then your farther gone then previously assumed- but of course the first thing is the mate). And not forgetting killing, anyone, any number.

I often found it baffling how someone could feel so much, be able to go through so much, all for another person, who probably hadn't done a damn thing in their life to deserve it.

I thought back to any encounters I'd had with her, Skye; yes I know her name, I choose to temporally forget people's names, it creates an atmosphere of superiority on my behalf and a degree of insignificance on theirs.

Before you judge, I am aware of how bad that sounds, but the way I live, you need to take everything you can get.

I've never imagined myself with a mate.... well a mate mate. It's just something I've never imagined for myself. And how could I, it's not like my life has an abundance of time, space and peace to be able to peruse such a thing with someone.
I know several who would tell me 'if I had any sense I should forget her and move on', and in a way they are right, how could I protect another person, and if she dies or dissapears or is taken, then my downfall is inevitable. It was already established long ago that what I, and others are working towards is bigger than each of us.

This Skye though, I mean no one could deny her beauty, to tell you the truth, I was taken aback by it, I could not pick apart a single flaw if I wanted too.
She's not the tallest, but a fair average height around 5'6 to 5'8, she holds an impressively athletic and toned body, providing anyone with the necessary evidence to avoid her in a fight.
She has tanned skin, a few scars and bruises littered here and there, over otherwise flawless skin.

Her golden blonde hair comes down in all ringlets, curls and waves, reminding me of a lions mane thats just been bathed in the ocean.
Sapphire blue eyes, not the lightest but they shone and shined at every angle, creating the illusion of light emitting sparkling gems for eyes.
The perfect contrast to the layer of dark and plentiful lashes lining her sapphire gems, above, her light brown brows, balanced out the tanned skin and blonde hair.
Her brows were not thin, nor thick but somewhere it the middle, somewhere that complemented her perfectly.
She had a cute little nose, with a slight dusting of freckles, then came her perfect perfect lips.
Never had I seen anything like them, now I think about it they seem so kissable, they were a pinky red colour, plump and soft, the perfect shape as well.
Her face shape was not that of the feminine heart, or of angular sharpness but still held a certain sharpness.
With high cheekbones, and a strong jaw which continued onto her neck, not decorated with a single scratch nor blemish nor bruise.

And that was just her looks, just from a quick glance or once over from the brief and short lived acquaintances.

I wonder what she's like, her likes and dislikes. The foods that have her jumping and the ones that have her questioning.
I wonder what she likes to do, what her hobbies are, what she enjoys, what she loves to do.
I wonder who her family and friends are, if they're worthy of her, if they treat her how she deserves.
I wonder what her laugh sounds like, or her voice from waking up in the morning and late at night.
I wonder what her smiles like, what her happiness, anger and sadness will bring.
I wonder for so much, yet have not a single answer.

Somehow. Somehow she's managed to live here for weeks without me finding her, yet randomly I was able to catch brief wisps of her scent, that was all. I'd walked right past her and not smelt anything, so how could that be?

Could I be wrong? Maybe it wasn't her?
But the nagging feeling told me that even if I believed in questioning weather she was it or not, I would undoubtedly be proved wrong. And I'd want to be as well.

But something that was undeniable was my worry for her.
I had snapped a few orders at Saul, to continue around the perimeter of the out of bounds area. Whilst I followed the scent and scoured the land.

As I followed the scent deeper and deeper into the forest a strange feeling at the pit of my stomach began. It was like my stomach was being dropped, I felt sick, and mentally fatigued.
Finally I came across the same area where the previous day, I'd had my meeting with Melissa. Her scent was unmistakable under the cover of a thick bush, I recalled how, when the meeting was over, myself and Melissa went out separate ways.

My heart felt as if it was beating double time, and I was sure that if Saul tried hard enough, he'd be able to hear it all the way out here.

Sure enough, she had followed the way Melissa had left.  The dread built dropping feeling in my stomach built, my beginning to spin, my breath becoming laboured.
I reached the clearing where Melissa's craft would've taken off.
And as I'd dreaded, the scent trail of Skye had come to an abrupt stop.
Rushing around like a fool, I double, then triple and quadruple checked if there was any trail or scent I'd missed.

But no. She was gone. For better or worse. She had disappeared. For better or worse. I am going to find her.



I sat, huddled against the wall of the plane, my mind hopelessly occupied with concern for whatever is to come. My eyelids becoming increasingly heavy, yet I remained conscious thanks to the rough turbulence; and it had me gripping the walls, clutching the parachute with a white-knuckle grip.
Probably should have this on my back.

Who knows what I'm gonna do when we eventually land. To be honest I really can't tell if I'd rather land now and get off this plane, or stay up in the air, almost safe from being found out.

I scoff at the reason, or rather person, that is responsible for this; his luscious looking streaky brunette hair, natual highlights of honey brown, undertoned by silky brown and black in the shadows.

His eyes, ah where to start in the eyes?
One could never quite workout whether they were a forest green mixed with a goldem brown, or an atumn hazel colour woth speck of green mirroring that of a deciduous trees leaves at late spring.
The intensity could be rallied by no other that i have come across - despite never truely locking eyes, i cam tell of the effect he has on people - pack members or not, evenmore so, other alphas.

Although, there was something that I'd missed, in all his perfection - so much so that he could easily pass for a top model - all be it a muscle/Greek god model; the lack of genuine joy, dimples, smile lines and wrinkles: no bubble or shout or roar of laughter.
It's as if half of him is a stranger and the other half is something farther than a stranger.
I know, that doesn't make sense right?
Well, it's like the way how you'd prefer to be in the company of a stranger over a past acquaintance, friend, lover.
The fact that even though you know you'll be fine, you'll still take the risk for a stranger.
The reason being there's no history.
And there's no history between myself and Karydiarn, and apparently no future. So what does that make us?
Not acquaintances, friends, lovers?
There's no past.
Not strangers?
There's no future.
Therefore my question is: what do you call someone who is even farther away than a stranger?


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