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The beating continued on and on, I really felt the drag and I wasn't even involved... yet.
You see, the thing is, in stressful situations one minute could be compared to hours, and seconds could be compared to very slow, long minutes, creaking by.
Each second bought another several hits, with no return, no defences.
Now I was really getting concerned, I moved to position myself in front of Noah, a protective feeling overcoming me. Another glance up at Noah's haunted face told me it was time to intervene before any permanent damages were done - if it wasn't already mentally.
I stepped forward, keeping my foot work secure as I manoeuvred myself to forcefully tear the intruder from a crumbled Liam on the floor. I wrapped one arm around the neck of the guy, the other around an arm and within a milli-second, pushed through my body and legs. I managed to pull the guy off, utilising the last of my momentum, I threw him to the side, away from Liam. Blood had began to halo his head and splutter about the floor around him, at the very least though he was a little conscious.

I quickly turned my attention to the intruder, only to find his rapid breath and rampant attitude had since stopped, all replaced by that once furious looking woman in his embrace.

It really must suck for some, that you don't even have a single say in who your mate is...

They both seemed immune or simply uninterested to the world around them, so I hurried over to Liam.

I could hear his rapid heart beat, it was gradually slowing but was still quite high, the blood from the nose bleed was still dribbling but everything else was starting to stem up.
His eyes were slowly blinking and squinting.
I was just then considering if and what I should do to  help when the rest of Liam's crew could be heard running.
I swiftly jumped to my feet and grabbed Noah pulling him after me as we left the cafeteria.
On the way, however, I didn't fail to notice Colton's signature smirk still there on his face, only this time his eyes seem to be lit with more of a menacing light. I don't like that one bit.


"I should've done something, not just stand their frozen like some pathetic kid!"
"Noah, come on, you know what he's like, he definitely deserved the first half of the beating but the second... well, you literally have every excuse in the book all aside from being a pathetic kid, to have reacted the way you did. And any how, I was there to save the day, as per usual."
"I just... I just wish that..well... agh never mind."
"I'm gonna head home early."
"Okay, are you still gonna come up later?" "Maybe, huh, probably."
"Okay well as long as your good I'll see you later?"
"Sure sure."
I watched his tense retreating back and wondered if I should've acted sooner. Probably. But I didn't and that's just what happened.


I had moved off to my last lesson of the day and when the bell rang out it was a Hail Mary type situation.
Let's just brush past the chaotic escapade it is to actually get out of the school - and pick up at the time I managed to burst from the crowds.

I speed walked and overtook many a person before I finally felt that I was a good enough distance away from the school. I slowed down to cross a road but heard a group of kids pretty close behind me so I sped up. Sometimes I think I'd do bett- FUCK! 

Everything in my mind sort of rushed and yet it was as if time had stood still, my body had literally leapt into action as I leaped back to avoid being smashed by the speeding car. She revving engine and the shouts and screams of the cars passengers filled my ears. The driver of the vehicle had finished it off with a few kinds precarious manoeuvres before finally sliding to a stop. I felt the angry hum of my wolf, she was desperate to be let out, desperate to sink her teeth into some flesh actually worth all her trouble. But I followed the flow of my breath, I thought of the wider picture, I calmed both my wolf and my-self. I turned to glare daggers at the group still partying around in the car, but the sight that greeted me made me pause for just a second. That second, though was just enough time to see exactly who had almost run me over. Ya know way back when I explained the popular top of the food chain group? Yea, well that was right but that was just for our year and any years below. Not the case however, for the years above. You see, I am currently a senior in 12th grade, and although this is the last of mandatory school before college, my high school is the only other one out of two schools around here. And this school just so happens to also offer a higher level of education like college. And that group in the car are in that college part of the school, though are only one year above me. Around here, most people will go on to do those few years in the higher college education, so really it's just another older version of high school.

Anyways, the people in the car were part or least very good friends with the very top of the top food chain of this entire school; man are they all a pain in my ass! Eugh. This really wasn't what I needed today. "Oi! Sky, right? You should watch were your going, we don't want to dent this baby's beautiful bodywork with that eh... not so beautiful bodywork, do we?" "Oh, oh my, what a shame that must be, you see I was really thinking that the basic line of your entire life might just need a little... Hmm, let's see, maybe, maybe just a little of anything to actually make it worth while. No worries though, I could almost understand why a degrading dog such at yourself would need the comfort of mere objects in order to portray a feeling of superiority for yourself, that a dent in that would mean a dent in your ever-so preciously manicured lifestyle of delectable lies and unshakable defeats. Bye-Bye now!" I called as I once again embarked on my journey. No, I do not have a clue where that little rant came from but I'm sure glad it happenedа.

I checked the time on my phone... then checked again because I forgot to look. I just about have enough time to get home and changed before I need to head out to work. I enjoy my job, I work on one of the nearby ranches, and I absolutely love it! I hurry inside and change into my working clothes - the typical attire expected to be doing hands-on practical work. I rummaged through the fridge and cupboards until I had myself a good enough collection of food, laced up my boots and went on my way. Two minutes later and I was back in my house filling up the bottle of water I had forgotten. Right, now let's go! Turning my cap to face backwards I pulled open the door and almost ran into whoever was poised to knock on the door. Surprised, I quickly look up, "Oh hello Skye, you look like your just heading out?" Ya well no shit! "Yeah I am, can I help you with anything?" I look up and to yet another surprise I'm greeted by the ginning face of ...

Brogan. Brogan Millar to be exact. He's not the brightest chap, nor the dumbest, he's a reasonable 7 looks-wise but a reasonable 9 in muscle growth-wise. And I'd give his 6'4 height a reasonable offer of about 7 1/2. He's a decent guy, a pack warrior, gym rat, slightly notorious among certain groups of ladies, killer grin, killer mood-swings... and I have no clue what he's doing on my doorstep. "Oh, Brogan?" I asked again, "haha, at your service ma'am" he spoke in a serious stone and then saluted. To be honest, I really can't be asked for this right now, but I plaster on a full-watt faker anyways. "Hmm, great, well as I said I've really gotta get gone!" "Yeah, this er won't take a minute, but uh there's gonna be this gathering party thing up at the big house and Boss man Alpha wants you to attend." "Ha, really Broggy, onto the real reason your here?" "Well, nope that was it. Hands on my heart, I'm being serious!" "What! Why on earth would I be wanted to go, I'm practically invisible to all of them, I never go the big house and where do I begin on all the other lists of reasons how this is just.. well, wierd?" "Yeah I understand, I felt the same when they asked me there, although I'm part of the security thing, I'll just stand around and watch, I'm still on the inside, around the actually visitors havin their little parties!" "Eugh, really, why do they want me there?" A shrug was the best answer Brogan could give. "Fine, I'll go ask the alpha myself later, as for now though, I'm busy!" I quickly slammed and locked the front door then hurried on my way.

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