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The weekend was heaven and the early morning wake up on Monday was hell. If you hadn't realised before - I HATE school, with a passion! The rest of my Friday night after the... introduction to a few Cruor Bane pack members, was a very good one indeed. As soon as I was out of sight and ear shot, I did a little celebratory dance - it's not often you get to challenge a member of such a notorious pack. I know, I know, you may call me foolish or stupid, or just asking for it, but what was I gonna do? Let some beefed up guy with anger issues and a high status degrade me in my own home?! All for helping his fellow pack member! Let me just warn you now - I'm not an over the top, all out there feminist (I support all of y'all btw & I am always ready for whoever thinks not) it's just that whenever I'm presented with a situation such as that one; and in the shifter community sexism is still a very real reality - hell in any community! I will, out of pure belief and obligation do something about it. It's the same for all of my beliefs. I believe that if you truly believe in something you should follow it through and stand up for yourself and those beliefs! Also I feel really pumped after, it's a darn great feeling.

Anyways, so the rest of my weekend was spent working on the ranch, working out - training my wolf, doing some homework/revision and just chill time. I just have to remind myself that when I'm in that prison of a school- the freedom I feel when I'm free to do what I want, usually when I find peace while admiring nature. I am and to anyone whose ever met me knows - a through and through outdoors gal. Ya know how you get the indoor and outdoor people, the ones who can easily spend a day inside or a day outside. I'm the outside one. I love nature! It's an unlikeliness  serenity of which I can't quite explain - whatever it is though, it sure is wonderful.

Today I'm feeling slightly more social, however I shall consider the crocks! I go for a nice pair of joggers and oversized tee with a jacket. I'm still debating on the crocks... darn! I'll bring them with me, I'll just wear my trainers since I've got PE today. I hate PE. Ironic since I'm in love with the outdoors and yet I hate the only lesson in this place that's actually in and focused around the outdoors.
Oh, speaking of school, I haven't to seen or heard from Noah all weekend, hopefully I'll see him around today. I didn't see Liam around either...

I shove through the entrance doors just as the shrill bell rings out. Great. Late again! I speed to my locker, shove my stuff inside and then hurry off to my registration form. When I arrived and tried to dash through the door I rebounded. That might bruise. The door is locked. And no ones there. I'm not that late... Oh shit fuckers! Assembly! I smack my head. Well no point in going now - I'll go find some toilets.
The shrill bell rang out again making me jump. How am I still gonna be late for first lesson? I tell you, no matter what I do, it's set in stone that I will always be late! I dawdle into my class but the movement of someone about to take my seat has me racing. I grab the chair and swiftly manoeuvre around the figure to sit down. I clear my throat and start organising my stuff, pretending I hadn't noticed them. I waited till they had settled elsewhere before giving up my act. I glance around and sus out several I don't recognise. These must be the newbies. I wonder if anyone will recognise me from Friday. I look down at myself. Who am I kidding? Of course not! I walk around in a permanent disguise. I focus on the lesson and try my best to understand at least some of what the teacher is saying.

Eugh after that lesson I'm almost looking forward to PE.

Keyword there - almost.
I got into the changing rooms and it was stuffed full of all these girls I had never seen before. People where getting changed in the middle of the room; there were no free pegs or benches. Ha ha ha. Not happening. I change my trainers for crocks and head to the toilets to cook up a slip to excuse myself from PE.

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