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I watched from afar as the group began to cooly integrate themselves into the area. Karydiarn... I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere, I just can't  think where...
Carl had thought that the guy who had walked in was Alpha Karydiarn himself, but turns out he was just a representative. It definitely says something though. The fact that a strong and intelligent enough man such as Carl knew so little of this Karydiarn that he mistook him for a representative is pretty astonishing. More so, with the fact that whoever that representative really was, if he had said he was the infamous alpha Karydiarn himself, nobody would've doubted him.

It took about 5 minutes for everyone to stop caring so much and reabsorb the previous mood of the room; although conversation did seem to have a new buzz to it.
Damn, it's getting hot in here; I look to Marly to signal a toilet break but she's much too engaged in conversation with one of our latecomers, so I decide to depart unnoticed.

Upon my return to the dinning room, I debated wether I should even bother going back in - however the sound of a ruckus proved to good not to reel me in.
The sight that greeted me, was an unusual one and not the scene I would've expected considering we're all meant to be on our best behaviour. One guy seemed to have had a drink thrown at him as well as a bleeding nose, two guys arguing looked like they were about to kill each other, one woman looked like she could have steam coming out her ears, another woman was arguing with nose bleed guy and some other girl. My oh my what did I miss?
I spotted Marly in the nearest corner of the room, "What I miss??" I questioned, "Oh where to begin, it all sorta happened in the same moment! I'm tryna figure out if it's anything to do with being mates or something - I mean two of them are from the Cruor Banes." "Huh, which ones?" "The crazy angry looking woman and the guy on the left arguing with another guy." "Ah, right, so who shoved who?" I got a shrug as a reply, so I just watched to see how this would play out.

"Okay, calm down, all of you. Nothing is going to happen so you can all look away. As for you guys, you settle it outside at another time or not at all. Understood?" Carl intervened authoritatively. "Yes Alpha." A few answerd but the others just huffed and walked out.
Such an anti-climax... this part really does suck.

I walked home that evening with a plan quite different to how I imagined earlier today. Instead of going straight to bed, I grabbed my gym bag, water and shoes then set off for a gym.

I did go with the intention of doing a mixture of some cardio and weights but it turned out to be mostly weights - even then the weights were mostly legs. I finish a last set of weighted lunges which had my legs shaking by the end. As I pant for the any cool air I look down over the expanse. I'm in the pack gym, it's not the one I usually use since I just head out into town for a gym there but since I have no car tonight I was left with little choice.
The pack gym is pretty great though, it has literally everything, any gym rats heaven. It's in this huge hanger shed thing, there's an underground level to which I don't go then there's the ground level which stretches the expanse of the group floor. There's a long and pretty deep pool, fighting rings, a track, climbing ropes and ladders. All sorts. Then there's a few staircases that lead to the next level which is basically a platform half the length of the lower floor so up here you can overlook the entire place. The upstairs area is what you'd find in a typical gym, the downstairs area is what you'd expect very professional veterinarian type people to be working with.

I've absolutely shattered myself up in the gym today so I won't even bother with anything down there... although, that pool sure does look inviting - especially as there's no one here! Well, might as well! It's quite rare for this place to be completely unoccupied since there's always gotta be someone, but since it's both a Friday night so everyone's got better things to be doing and we are entertaining company - I just count myself lucky. I'm not sure if it's just me but I find going down the stairs is worse then up. Man is it pain.
I finally reach the pool - no I'm not skinny dipping - although the thought did cross my mind... I'll settle for underwear. I strip down and and ease myself in, the water wasn't cold or tepid, somewhere in between. I glided across a few times and played about before hauling myself from the water. Hopefully there's still some towels left in the locker rooms or changing rooms.

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