Should i? Shall i?

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Did I think think this through enough. Heh, you kidding me!?
No. No. No. And...oh yeah! NO!?
What the actual Duck and I doing here??!
Urghh, why? Like why? Just why? Huh?

Right. So. I have not finished school yet. Leaving or going missing could cause enough disturbance that the council get suspicious or actually find out. And this is a bit of a Botch thing to do. Besides, who am I kidding? I can flutter around and scurry away every time the alpha is around. Easy. Because, even though some say it's impossible to not recognise your mate, it sure helps when they can't smell you, get a good look at you, look into their eyes and in particular: when both sides are in denial of even considering a mate. End of.
Right well, its final - im turning back!

I slowly turned, unsure of my next step, however i was thankfully distracted by what i was sure sounded like people whipser shouting in hushed tones. I cocked my ears and turned my head to the side - curious.

I carefully followed the noise until i could just about crouch in the undergrowth: listening and watching.

In front of me stood none other than Karydiarn, opposite was a tall woman, she wore a dark suit with, um, funnily enough, shiny red loubitons: how in the hell she got this deep into the forest in those, is a mistery. Her lips were painted a strong deep red, as if to coordinate with the shoes, her nails where also the same rich red, upon long slender fingers. Although one hand clutched what looked to be an ipad, the screen was facing the other way, so theres no way of finding any clues on that.
"Listen, we need to start bringing the party above ground, people are already getting too confident with what they consider... either way, they may beat us for first dibs, but i will not let us fail to return the gesture."
Huh, clever, they are whispering in the middle of a forest, with the nearest civilisation miles away (aside from me obviously), and they still talk in this presumtouis code-type way.
I mean, i really have no clue what they are talking about, or what the 'party' refers too, or 'first dibs' or the ominously sounding statement: 'i wont fail to return it'.

Odd. Very odd.

I waited, paralysed in position, they exchanged a few more minutes of painfully vague speech before gracefully parting ways. It was as if theyd evaporated into thin air.
Karydiarn had stepped one way and dissapeared and the woman much the same in the opposite direction.
Weighing the odds i decided on followong the woman.

I stalked quickly and silently in the shadows of the undergrowth, she had barely the faintest of scents for me to pick up, although id kept my eye on the easily tracable heel prints which weeved through the forest.
No way is she walking miles, there is definitly something somewhere around here.

Sure enough, as if on cue i heard the soft but muffled sound of an engeine, however while any engines shed been around roarded to life: this one could only be described as... purring to life?
I quickened my pace till i reached a small clearing, barely enough room for the small army plane to fly out of.
Althouth this didnt look like your ordinary small plane.
It had the normal wings with turbines, but i watched in awe as a sheet of metal on the wing opened to reveal a large circle, at the largest part of the wing, the type you'd imagine to see on hover craft or some crazy shit from Back to the Future. Still in the richly red loubitons, the woman walked up the large and open ramp of the back of the plane. Making sure nobody else was around - i crept forwards. Inside was a large hollow area, the type of space in the Expendables plane, a real uncomforting military-type space. The woman strolled past a blacked out jeep, some smalle crates, and stacks of stuff before ascending some precarious metal steps and entering a door called 'cockpit'. She shut the door behind her. Only a moment later the spoft purr began to wake up, as if it had a burst of energy. I noticed the leaves - below the hover flight hole contraptions on the wings - begining to float and then blow away in all directions. A movement caught my eye and the next thing, the ramp of the plane silently creeps upwards.

It was then that i made my move. Not a thought in the empty shell of a brain i had in that moment, just energy spurred on by some miraculous spontinaity of stupidity.
As if id been shocked by lightening, my whole body awoke as i ran and lept inside the rear of the plane, sliding down just as the door sealed shut.

Well im in it now!

KarydiarnWhere stories live. Discover now