Hold up?!

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The darkness fought the tiny beams of light that twinkled through; hardly enough, but the slithers represented at least some hope.
In some sections, vines and old ivy wrapped and warped around bars and up walls were the light was strongest (although still just slithers). The mere sight of nature fighting this man-made torture chamber brought a sense of consolidation to the mind - especially if you had no mind to be in here.

I meticulously peered around the door, Liams scent was much stronger this time, yet my nose still burns from the stenches around. A hunched over figure in a crouching position appeared to be hugging themselves defensively. I couldn't even see the usual tell-tail sign of Liam (the curly golden locks;), but I knew it was him. I hurried over. "Liam, come on, we need to get you outta here!" I whisper shouted. He didn't stir. "Liam!" I wisper shouted again. Still nothing. Okay then. I reach through the bars and give him a small but sharp shove. He immediately flies to his feet, wildly looking a about, stood in a defensive pose.
"Liam, it's me, Skye, I've come to get you outta here. You wanna help or what?" I state quickly gettin down to business.
"Oh thank-" "shhusshh" I quickly hush him to stay quiet and signal behind me.
"Oh yeah, right! Erm, how we gonna do this?"
"I'm not to sure. You see them go anywhere with keys?" The look he gave me told me this was not going to be easy at all.


Belly crawling inch by inch is not how I imagined this going but Liam had convinced me it was the best plan. So far: I have almost gotten to the place we're I am supposed to be stealing the keys. But, slight problem, there's no light, so I can't see anything!


"What are you doing here mutt?!" A guttural voice growled into my ear. I cringed at the spit flying into the side of my face.
"Uh, well, what are you doing here? Considering this place isn't meant to be in use anymore?" I question, although I grit my teeth immediately and brace myself - knowing full well I had been caught red-handed by a foregone.
I was pulled up roughly and shoved onto a nearby wall, which I promptly bounced off and almost landed back on the floor. Gaining my balance at the last second, I looked up to face the beast. And a beast it was. It's eyes glistened a way I've seen in no man or wolf, it's face seemed etched in a permanent ferocious anger and wildness. It's canines and claws protruded, glistening a horrifying shade of dark red, it's hair a long mattered mass hanging around its face, back and shoulders.
He beared his teeth at me and gave a deep, throaty warning growl. I put my hands up in mock surrender - although this time I don't thinks it's in mock. "I'm just looking for my friend! His family are real bitches to him, and he's been forced down here - completely unjustified! I just wanna help him." I muttered the last bit. Funny how this whole ordeal had started with me wanting to go to Noah to talk about the shit Linda has just told me. And now we're here.

The foregone started to drag me along, not saying anything, I could fight but I know that if I do it will not end well - especially since only  one of us has something to loose. And I'm pretty sure we both know that I don't stand much of a chance in a one on one.

"Uh, where are we going?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
Agh fuck.
"Stay!" He growled before tossing me into a small room, then slamming the barred door shut and locked. Both mentally and physically I slap myself in the face.
The hell am I supposed to do now?

My surroundings weren't the horrid, stinking jail I'd think them to be. Instead I sat on a cold, hard, stone floor, the back and front walls seemed like just concrete (but I'm sure they'd be reinforced), at the side walls of the square room there was just long think bars running down from ceiling to floor, added with a horizontal bar every now again.

I waited on the stone cold floor, I listened and watched but to no avail. The only noise I could hear was the odd sound from the other cells, quite a bit further down. My eyes had gotten used to the darkness so I could just make out the outlines of obvious things.
People have actual debates about what comes first in these situations: is it the lack of light, sound, human contact, boredom? I can tell you now it's most definitely the boredom.
I'm just stuck, alone in this cell, with nothing but my own thoughts.
None of the natural light had managed to trickle in, although every now and again I am certain that some kind of flickery light appears and then disappears in the blink of an eye.

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