Chapter III

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Tomorrow is Sofia's first day of well, prison— as she liked to call it. And she was damn right, I mean, I hated school too. One more year, and middle school would be over. She fucking hated thinking about it. She didn't need yet again to have teachers all over her every single minute of her life, and she didn't want to see Gia spending time with the 'popular' clique everyday either.
She spent her last day of summer vacation at Fezco's house— not like she didn't spend all her summer there anyway.

"I hate watching horror movies, Fez. Change that shit."

"Who the fuck cares about your opinion anyway— don't change the movie bro." Ashtray always had something to say when Sofia said anything. Every time the both of them 'tried' to hold a conversation, they would argue. And it sometimes annoyed Fezco.

"Don't start again Ash, we'll just gonna change the movie."

"Bro it's not my fucking fault she can't handle a movie! Like it's a goddamn movie for god's sake! Nothing's real anyways."

"Well I'm a very spiritual person and I actually believe in ghosts and haunted things, so no, I can't watch it." the girl said as a matter of fact, making herself more comfortable on the couch, giving Ashtray an obvious glare from across the room. "You can watch Annabelle another day when I'm not here."

"You're literally always here."

"Let's not exaggerate— and school starts anyways, so like, you're not going to see me so often anymore." Ashtray just rolled his eyes.

"But like, you still gon' be coming here right?" the older boy liked having companionship besides Ashtray and his grandmother, who really didn't like do anything anyway, and he actually really liked spending time with the younger girl. She was cool.

"Of course, I can't miss out on the opportunity to make Ash angry. It's like really funny actually cuz' he seems to have a problem with everything I say."

"Because you're being annoying."

"That's like all you have to say, Ashtray. You never gave me an actual reason as to why you apparently hate me."

"But you hate me too, and I didn't ask you to give me a reason." the boy refused to look at Sofia, and decided that staring blankly at the screen in front of him seemed like a much better idea— but his mind was on the girl's words. What was the reason he hated her? He didn't know it either.

"I don't exactly hate you, I just hate your personality." the smirk on the girl's face was now obvious. He liked seeing Ashtray angry, but she didn't know why— one thing she did know though, was the fact that she was feeling satisfaction every time she was able to get a reaction out of the boy.

"That's like the same thing."

"It isn't the same thing."

"Hate to break it to ya' Sofi, but it kinda is the same thing." for a second, the teenagers actually forgot Fezco was even there, so not gonna lie, Sofia kind of got startled when she heard his voice.

"It's not though, cuz' like when I'm looking at him seeing him like not doing anything and not talking he's actually bearable. It's annoying when he opens his mouth though cuz' like everything he says it's bullshit."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm excusing you."

"You know what? I'm gonna go to my room. You can watch 'My Little Pony' or shit with Fez or something I don't fucking care."

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