Chapter XIV

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"Why you actin' like that shit was fun, Rue? For real, you pissin' me off." Sofia watched Rue roll her eyes at Fezco's comment, leaning a bit onto the seat of the car. "Actin' dumb as fuck right now! Goddamn, all smilin' and laughin' and shit." as Sofia continued to look back and forth between Ashtray who looked really tired and her best friend, she noticed Rue holding back a laugh. It wasn't funny at all, but seeing the face the older girl pulled, it made Sofia want to laugh too. But she didn't. "You know, half of that was your fucking fault too! Fucking around, acting stupid!"

"To be honest, I thought I'd get killed, not gonna lie." Ashtray scoffed at the young girl who was also trying to hold in her amusement, and then she mumbled an apologize, which Fez didn't hear— or pretended that he didn't.

"I'm just saying, like serious question, how many female drug dealers, do you know?" Rue asked, looking at Sofia as to tell her to say something too.

"Yeah, she was kinda cool."

"Good ones?" Fez asked from the driver's seat, looking at both Sofia and Rue from the mirror, and just sighed.



"That's the point. You know what the fuck I'm sayin'. Shit's gotta change." the girl said, and rested her hands on her thighs, but quickly changed the subject. "Yo, Sofi, you comin' to the party?"

"What party?" Sofia looked with a confused face at her best friend, and then waited for her best friend to explain the details. "Well I'm assuming since y'all are already going and we're all in the same car... why not?"

"That's what I wanted to hear."


The party was huge— it looked like an usual one, obviously since there was no snow and you couldn't actually tell it was New Year's eve but the atmosphere was tense. Like it always was before New Year's. Everyone basically tries to change their lifestyle because it's a new year coming and they always promise to not do the same shit again, but they always end up doing it anyways. And that's when they remember all the shit they've done throughout the year, and all the lies they've told. Back on the subject, Fez was leaving and he made his way through the crowd of people, and Rue was already gone, most likely hiding after seeing Jules. So yet again, it was only Ashtray and Sofia.

"Why do you look so tense?" Sofia leaned on the car beside her boyfriend, placing her head on his shoulder, like she always did.

"How are you so calm?" he curiously eyed the girl beside him, and then he took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm always calm when you're around... If you're here with me everything is alright." they were both silent, but then Sofia quickly decided go drag Ashtray by the hand into the party. Once they were in the house, Sofia quickly took a bottle of vodka and pulled herself a shot.

"You shouldn't do that." but Sofia already poured down her throat. And after three other shots and an hopeless Ashtray, the girl was already tipsy, dancing around the house.

"Come on, Ash, have fun a little bit!" she took him by the hands, and began dancing with him. It reminded her of the night when they danced on George Michael's 'Careless Whisper'. She brought her hands up and started jumping to the rhythm of the music, but was quickly dragged by Ashtray, in an empty room. "What was that for?" she threw herself on the bed, and heard Ashtray locking the door.

"I can't risk anything." he sighed, and went to lay down beside the girl. She rolled on her side to face the boy, and began tracing off the outlines of Ashtray's tattoos. Even though he hated when people did that, he didn't protest, and only closed his eyes.

"Ash? I kind of want to get a tattoo.."

"What?" the boy opened his eyes and rolled on his side too, to face his drunk girlfriend. "What's gotten into you?"

"What 'what'?" she said, while she kept trailing off his body with her hands.

"First you get drunk, and now you want to get a tattoo? Did something happen?" the girl stood silent, and only heard the boy repeat his question. "You can tell me."

"I mean nothing really happened, I'm just tired. Like, tired of the world, in general. The thing with Gia and her stupid fucking friends, the problems I have with my family, Rue, who's a big issue, and I.. I don't know. I guess I just want a change. I'm tired of it all being the same." the boy only chuckled a bit, but he understood her. They both looked into each other's eyes, and Ashtray moved a strand of hair behind Sofia's ear.

"You sound really sober for someone who's drunk."

"I guess so.." the boy took Sofia into his arms, crooking his head into the girl's shoulder.

"I understand how you're feeling. The whole thing with drug dealing, our grandma, not knowing my real family, it's really suffocating. I understand." Sofia began sobbing a little, and that only alerted the boy more.

"I'm so sorry." she said, and it was now her turn to hide her face from Ash. "My 'problems' could never compare to yours. You have a way harder life and I literally complain about mine everyday, I'm so, so sorry and I know I'm annoying." Ashtray began hugging Sofia tightly, and started reassuring her.

"Don't ever, put down yourself or your problems because other people may have it harder. Yours are still valid, and you shouldn't ever compare it. Alright?" after not hearing the girl say anything, he took her head gently and made the girl to look in his eyes, and then she nodded. Ashtray leaned a little bit, and gently placed a kiss on the girl's lips. "I will always be here for you. No matter what."

"I literally don't deserve you." the boy shook his head, and wrapped his arms around her tightly, then he gave Sofia a kiss on the nose, that made her chuckle through the dry tears and puffy face. But Ashtray thought she looked adorable. "Everyone else things you're so cold and tough on the outside, but you're literally the sweetest guy."

"Only you make me do these things." Sofia once again hid her head in Ashtray's chest, and the boy started laughing because his attempt at making her shy worked. He loved when he saw he got that effect on her.

Suddenly, they heard a bang on the door, and Ashtray quickly went to unlock and open the door. They both left after seeing a couple messily making out, and decided to just let them use the room.

"What the fuck was that.." Sofia said slowly, trying to regain her balance, and then Ashtray placed a hand around her waist and one hold her hand, to keep the girl from falling.

"I have no fucking idea."


"I think we should... call... Fez." the brunette sat on a random chair, and Ashtray quickly gestured Sofia to take out her phone, only to be met with a confused girl.

"I left mine in the car." so she gave him the phone, and luckily, he knew her password. She literally couldn't talk properly. The drunkness was starting to rub off her. "Why do you have me noted as 'Hammerhead shark'?" but the drunk girl just chuckled, and looked around herself.

"I-I don't think you should call Fez anymore." she said, and lazily pointed a finger behind Ashtray, who turned around to see a blushing Fez, who was talking to Sofia's friend, Lexi Howard.

"Damn, I've never seen him like that."


Thank you a lot lot lot imdeadlol06  for letting me use the name 'Hammerhead shark' for Ashtray's contact name, and shout out to them and their amazing book!!! <33

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