Chapter XVII

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  Sofia shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she watched her best friend, Rue, try to make a point out of everything she was saying. But she didn't like it at all. None of it. "Why would Laurie give you a bunch of drugs for free?"

"She didn't technically give it to me for free, alright? I'm gonna pay her 10.000 back anyway." Rue said, desperately trying to convince the younger girl to see the good part. "And that's how I'm gonna make more money!"

Sofia knew Rue was going to probably do most of those drugs by herself, ending up having nothing left, but she didn't mention it to her friend. It would have most likely made her mad.

"Did you tell anyone beside me?"

"Only Elliot." the girl sighed, standing up and leaving, after advising Rue to be careful, once again. She wasn't going to tell anyone, she promised, and she was going to keep her promise. That's the only thing she could have been doing anyway— hope everything was going to be alright. She felt bad she didn't really do anything about, but she knew she would feel even more worse if she was the one to snitch on Rue. It was a bad mindset, yes, but yet again, she hoped everything was going to be alright.


"We should get those matching tattoos I was telling you about on New Year's.." a few days have passed since her discussion with Rue, and seemingly everything was alright. Her situation with her parents was still the same, nothing new— they still didn't talk. She and Maddy got closer then ever, they spend much more time together now, especially now that Nate and Maddy are 'kind of' broken up. Even school was going well for the young girl, and her relationship with Ashtray was amazing. It was almost too beautiful to be true. But the girl just decided that she just live in the present, and be happy that everything was going well for her. Ashtray looked up from his phone at his girlfriend's sudden idea, but obviously agreed.

"Wait, so like, what design should we do?" he asked while standing up, going over to grab ink machine.

"Well I thought of getting our initials but SA seems kind of weird." the girl sighed, and the teenagers both got lost in their thoughts for a few seconds. "Actually, I know what I want." the girl looked over at the boy with a grin, and Ashtray couldn't keep his interest from showing.

"Tell me already, bro."

That was also one of the things I loved most about their relationship. They were each other's best friends, and each other's lovers. They were natural around each other, and had nothing to hide, so they just talked comfortably. Not that they weren't cheesy or whatever— they had their moments, but Sofia loved when she could talk like this to Ashtray. The word "relationship" and basically being quite literally in a relationship was difficult and complicated. So they settled with being each other's soulmate.

"I want your name on my thigh." Ashtray couldn't decide if he was more shocked at the fact that she wanted his name, or at the fact that she wanted it on her thigh. But he couldn't deny the fact that he absolutely loved the idea of getting each other's names.

"Then I'm getting your name on my chest."

"Can I write yours?" the boy nodded, and gave the machine to the girl in front of him. She carefully wrote Sofia in cursive on his chest after he took his shirt off, and couldn't help herself from keeping her eyes off the boy's abs, which made him smirk.

"You like what you're seeing?" he chuckled, and was actually surprised at the fact that the tattoo didn't hurt at all.

"Oh, shut up, Ash." the girl turned around pretending to do something, but was hugged from behind by Ashtray. He buried his head in her neck, and kept whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are right now." at the boy's words, Sofia playfully slapped the boy's arm that was placed around her waist, and turned around, getting ready for her tattoo. She couldn't deny the fact that she was nervous. Everyone would be. Well everyone, except Ashtray.

"Are you doing my tattoo now or what?"

"Of course." the girl got undressed, and was left  with her shorts on. The shorts that were like really short, they looked almost like a bikini. She was lucky she had a longer t-shirt though. And even if she didn't, she felt comfortable enough around Ashtray. He made her forget about all her insecurities. "Don't be scared, it's going to be quick."

Sofia grabbed Ashtray by his free hand, and Sofia got up on the boy's bed. He leaned down to be on her level, and wrote his name on her thigh. He liked the fact that he was the first and only one to have seen her like this, and he was thankful he had a girl like her. "You can open your eyes now. See? It wasn't that bad."

"Do I have like superpowers or what? Why didn't I feel anything?" Sofia got up from the bed as Ashtray started laughing, ending up checking herself out in the mirror. Once again, a shirtless Ashtray made his way over to Sofia, hugging her waist from behind and placing his head on the brunette's shoulder. They prayed that neither Faye or Fezco would be making their appearance, since the way they were right now wasn't exactly really appropriate. They looked like they just had sex— which was obviously, not true. But everyone seeing them would have thought the same thing.

Sofia turned around and placed her arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss Ashtray, but she ended up just smiling, teasing him. "Our tattoos are pretty cool." he nodded and was now the one to lean into the kiss, but once again, Sofia shook her head. "I feel like this is such a good way of-"

"Just shut up and kiss me already." the boy didn't even let Sofia finish her sentence, as he smashed his lips against hers, forgetting to control himself. He loved how she was the only one who made him feel like this, and she loved how he was the only one who made her feel like this. Like they had a purpose. They may have not realized it yet, brushing it off as teen romance, but they loved each other deeply.

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