Chapter X

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"I need you to get in your car and drive down to the East Highland police station. You're going to walk up to the receptionist, and you're gonna tell her you'd like to confess to a crime."


"Do you recognize that man?"

"He's the guy who assaulted me on the night of the carnival."

That was how they dropped Nate's charges. Both Sofia and Maddy knew that Nate was a very, very interesting individual. He could do anything he wanted. That's why he abused Maddy's so-called rapist from McKay's party into confessing the crime— if not doing as he was told, he would be going to jail for more time for raping minors.

Sofi knew Maddy was wrong for this. She should have confessed to the police, but the older sister quite literally begged her to not tell anyone— she loved Nate Jacobs too much. And it was already too late, both her and Jules would face the consequences of lying to the police and giving false testimonies if she was to tell the truth. So Sofia just decided to let the matter to the universe's will. She knew Maddy wouldn't ever listen to her, but karma was karma. Nate would suffer sooner or later— she didn't know how soon that would be though.


"So whatchu gonna do with yo sister?" Fez was in the kitchen along with Sofia, they were making winter-themed cookies to get into the atmosphere of Christmas— even if it was a few weeks early. Cookies never hurt anyone.

"I mean, she won't listen to what I have to say, so I'm just letting her be. She's completely in love with Nate and was most likely going to forgive him, but she's not dumb to forgive him if he does shit like this again." she saw Ashtray making his way to kitchen and placing his chin on her shoulder from behind, watching the process.

"It's probably the right thing to do."

"Can I taste it?" she looked over her shoulder and saw Ashtray grabbing her by the forearm, shaking her like a little kid does to their mom whenever they want something. But Sofia couldn't deny, it was adorable.

"What do you wanna taste?"

"The icing— looks really good not gonna lie." Sofia found a tea spoon on the kitchen counter and dipped it a little bit into the icing, giving it to the boy behind her. The sounds Ash made after tasting it made both Fezco and Sofia suddenly really proud of their work.

"It's so good!" he said with his mouth full, giving the two a thumbs-up.

"Imma let ya ornate them and then I'll put them into the oven."



While Fez was putting the biscuits in the oven, Sofia made her way to Ashtray, who was on his computer. She took a sit on the chair beside him, and looked at him for a few seconds. He didn't notice her at first, because she has been really quiet when entering the room. Sofia analyzed him, ending up analyzing their relationship over the past few months. They hated each other in September, and now they were somewhat friends, in December. She was glad they got along now, but she felt like something was missing. Like the relationship she had with Ashtray now, wasn't extraordinary— she felt a tension. She has thought about it ever since the halloween party, if she may start to have feelings for him— but she never actually took in consideration. Sofia thought that if she hated him so much for so approximately 2 years, how could so much change between them in a span of three or so months? But she was scared— that she may actually have feelings, and she wasn't ready for that. She never had like.. actual feelings for a boy, and the fact that Ashtray was her first real-real crush made it almost impossible to comprehend. But she felt good when she was with him, she felt like she didn't have to care for anything in the world— she was free with him, and she could be herself all the time without having to fear that he would judge her. Probably the advantage of not liking each other at first— the fact that you did not care what the other person thought about you, so it became a habit for her to be herself around him.

That's how Ashtray felt too— but for him, it was quite a bit different. He had never actually felt like that, never in his life. He never talked to Sofia about it, about his childhood, but she knew, and he knew that she knew. And he appreciated that she didn't ask questions. He was never able to be enrolled in school, so he learned everything he knew from Fez— he didn't interact much with kids, if not, actually none. Because who would take kids with them when buying drugs? Exactly, Rue would do that. Ashtray felt like thanking Rue for bringing Sofia that day with her, otherwise they would have never met. He felt like an actual teenager around her, feeling like he actually lived for something up until now and had something to look forward to. He was feeling like around her, everything was okay, and that he didn't have anything to do with drugs or anything, that he was normal. A normal teenager. And he loved that only Sofia was able to make him feel that way— but he wasn't ready to admit it to her.

"So, for how long are you gonna be staring at me for?" the young girl was immediately woken up from her thoughts, shifting her attention to the boy that was now resting his elbow on the table that he was sat at, with his palm sustaining the weight of his chin, and well, whole face. He was half-smirking.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me like that? It's kinda creepy bro."

"I know I'm hot and all that, but if you look too much you might tired, and I wouldn't like that." the girl successfully hid her rosy cheeks for the first time from the boy, ending up giving him a disgusted look, to which he chuckled at.

"Anyways... so I kinda have a question— but it's like, really important, so you have to sit down."

"I'm already fucking sitting."

"No, like, I mean on the couch."

"Are you about to ask me out or something? 'Cuz that's not really the most romantic way to do it.." he said, however sitting and up and then taking a sit on the couch, in the living room.

"Goddamn, since when are y'all flirtin' and shit, I thought y'all hated each other?" the teenagers just nodded at Fez. "So y'all still hate each other?"

"No?" Ashtray was the one to speak, getting closer to Sofia and placing his arm around her shoulder. "And we're not flirting."

"Well that's good then, it only took y'all like what? Two fucking years?"

"Yeah that's such a shocker, now excuse me Fez, but, I'm actually trying to say something!"

"Damn, sorry." he said, also plopping down on the couch, curious about the big question Sofia had for Ashtray.

"So, since Winter Formal for my middle school is like, around the corner, and you know, it's a dance, I was wondering.. if well, you could be my date? Obviously in like a friendly way duh, but I don't have a date and you're the best option!" Sofia rushed the last sentence, not wanting Ash to assume she meant something completely different— she looked over to Fez, who was actually also pretty shocked. It was rare Fezco was shocked.

Ashtray and Sofia have been actually hanging around each other everyday— since Halloween. From that night, they basically were always together. Both me and Fezco could have sworn something was going to happen between them ever since Sofia placed foot in Ashtray's back store then, so they made a bet. Childish and stupid, I know. But I won— even though Fez didn't give me my money yet— I was kind of in a depressive episode, watching Love Island all day, not bothering to go pee— it almost turnt into an infection. The trials and tribulations of trying to pee while depressed. I don't blame neither Fez or Sofi that they weren't there, no one knew that I was spending my entire days alone in my room, besides mom and Gia.

"But, I'm not attending there."

"They said we can bring anyone, that's why I asked. I wouldn't have if I knew you couldn't come."

"Well, sure." Sofia couldn't hold her excitement and hugged the shit out of Ashtray, who ended up patting her on the back when she was almost on top of him, taking her waist and placing her back on her spot, while she kept mumbling "thank you's" over and over again.

"Oh so y'all got a date now? That's cute shit, bro!" Fezco said with a sly smile on his face, looking at the two teenagers in front of him.

"It's not a date."


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