Chapter VI

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As Sofia woke up in the middle of the night, she suddenly felt really conscious about everything happening around her— but she didn't feel real, she couldn't explain the feeling, but it was weird. She realized the fact that she was in Fezco's house, and immediately got scared.

"That's what happened yesterday morning." the girl said, quickly standing up from the laying position she was in a few moments ago, immediately feeling better as she recognized the familiar place. She was in the living room, which meant she wasn't in Ashtray's room— which also meant that this wasn't a real life nightmare. You know, having to repeat the same day over and over again for the rest of your life.

She then saw Ashtray peacefully sleeping while half-laying beside her on the couch.

"Should I wake him up?" the girl mumbled quietly, while stretching her arms. Suddenly, the realization hit her— the memories from last night quickly made their way back into the teenager's mind, making her start to panic. She remembered Mouse of course, him talking to Fezco and giving her fentanyl— small glimpses of the man caressing her feet, but then she blacked out. She quickly decided that waking up Ashtray seemed like a very good idea. He had to know what actually happened.

"Yo, yo Ash." at first, she was whispering, but her panicked voice made the whispers become higher and higher, until they almost sounded like shushed screams. "Please, please wake up." as the young girl started shaking the boy, her voice started cracking from the fact that she started crying— even if she tried her best to stay silent to not wake up Fez.

"What-what are you doing?" even if Ashtray wasn't completely awake, couldn't have missed seeing Sofia's puffy face— all that while shaking her head, mumbling words that he couldn't understand. Maybe because her voice was unrecognizable from the fact that she was crying, or maybe because the boy couldn't understand what was happening yet.

She quickly leaned over to the boy that was now was laying on his elbows, trapping him into a hug— Ashtray could tell from her that she was fucking scared. "Please tell me it isn't true."

He didn't know what to say at first, not knowing about what part she was talking about— he decided that a simple 'what do you mean' wasn't going to make her feel better, so he just returned her hug. In that moment, it didn't matter if they 'hated' each other. What mattered to him was the fact that he had to get Sofia to stop crying.

"Look, he didn't do anything to you. Fezco made him leave right after he gave you the fentanyl."

Slowly, the girl lifted up her head from Ashtray's shoulder, slowly making eye contact with him. "But I remember him.. placing his hands on my legs." the boy realized that speaking of what happened that night made her uncomfortable from the way she was whisper-talking purposely making the last part really hard to hear, so he didn't force her to talk about it.

"I know, but we didn't let him do anything to you. We would never let someone do something like that to you."

After a few moments, she finally asked him something. "And what about Rue?"

"Fezco drove her to her friend's house."

"What friend?" she felt a little bit weird, Rue didn't mention anything about a new friend, but she decided to not think about it— she just assumed it was Lexi he was talking about.

"I don't really remember her name."

Ashtray decided to let the puffy-faced girl sit in silence. She definitely needed some time to think about everything that happened, considering the blank look on her face.

"I really need to go."


"I have school tomorrow, I need to go home." she said, as she tried to break down the eye contact she had with him— but she couldn't.

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