Chapter XV

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"I'm not even like, exaggerating or anything, he looked almost dead." Sofia watched in shock as her best friend was giving her all the details to Fezco and Nate's fight, and quickly shifted her gaze to the older boy, who kept his head down. "A lot damn blood."

Sofia looked over to Ashtray, who tried to keep a smile off his face, and she pretended to think about what Rue told her before saying anything. "I'm so fucking proud of you!" she quickly made her way over him and hugged him while patting him on the back, but the boy's demeanor didn't change in the slightest.

"What the fuck, man? You're proud of fucking what?" the girl awkwardly broke the hug and made her way back beside Ash who put a hand around the girl's shoulder, and then noticed that both her best friend and boyfriend were on the verge of laughing.

"I mean, he's Nate Jacobs. Everyone hates Nate... he so deserved it." she mumbled while she kept avoiding Fez's half-glare. "I wouldn't be too stressed if I was in your place."

"Me neither." Rue also nodded and agreed.

"I know it's funny and shit, but Nate could sue him." Ash said from beside her, and gave the girl a squeeze to her shoulder, but noticed she was actually calm. Which is something, since Sofia overthinks a lot.

"He's not gonna sue him— he's done a lot of shit too."

"Yeah, that's exactly my point." in that moment, Faye entered the room, and poured herself a glass of water while sitting down on the couch beside Fez. She remembered how the  blonde explained to her how and why she pushed someone off a balcony, and how she ended up staying at the boy's house— which didn't really matter to Sofia, she liked Faye. But Ashtray couldn't hide his annoyance.

After the awkward silence caused by Faye's arrival, Sofia decided to speak up. "So, how is everything between you and Jules?"

"Who's Jules?" the big lips girl asked, and she continued to smoke. While Rue tried to explain to Faye who Jules was, she heard Ash whisper to her. He was going to his room. Probably because he wasn't used to having so many people in his house at once, which probably wasn't true— or he just hated hearing Faye talk. The second option seemed like the true one.

"Well we're kind of dating right now I guess?" Sofia sat up from her seat while congratulating her best friend, and excused herself from the little meeting. She didn't want Ash to be alone, so she went to his room.

"You left because of Faye? Again?" the young girl said while closing the door, and she made her way over Ashtray who was laying down, on his phone.

"She gives me weird vibes, man." he said, welcoming Sofia who sat on the bed, in his arms.

"Like, she's a dumb blonde so she's probably going to make stupid things vibes?" she quickly shut her mouth regretting what she said after Ashtray gave her a weird look, and internally apologized for being rude towards Faye. Even if the blonde didn't hear it.

"No, what the fuck? I can't explain it, but she's most likely bad news. She literally pushed a man off a balcony." Sofia nodded in understanding, but quickly decided to change the subject.

"Wanna go to taco bell?" she looked up at Ash, since she was laying on his chest, and the boy just gave her the peck on the lips.

"You know me so well." the boy chuckled, and after taking the girl once again into his arms, he started kissing her nose. And her forehead. And her eyes. And her cheeks. He stopped for a few seconds, but Sofia was quick to be the one kissing her boyfriend.

"What the fuck is going on?" the teenagers turned around at the sound of Fezco's voice who was joined by Rue right after, and they both looked just as confused as Ashtray and Sofia. "Get off each other." the older boy said and heard Sofia scoff and Ash mumble some swear words— he hated when Fez acted like a dad. Especially when it came to his relationship with Sofia.

"You didn't know they're together?" Rue said while leaning on the doorframe, watching as both kids were looking for something.

"Y'all are together? What's going on? I thought y'all hated each other."

"You're slow as fuck, man." Ashtray said, while finding the keys he was looking for. He grabbed Sofia by the hand, and they left the room.

"We're going to taco bell." Sofia said looking over her shoulder at the dumbfounded ginger, while smiling.

"Bring me something too!" she heard Faye shouting to her, while she was on the couch smoking— and Sofia agreed.

"Man, this is giving me flashbacks." Rue decided to shut her mouth when she saw Fezco's glare. Last time Ashtray and Sofia had to eat taco bell together it didn't end well.


Author's Note:

Hii, so I know this chapter is like really short but that's what I intend to do for the next few ones, so hope you liked it! Also ik my story is starting to get kinda boring but these are a few rushed scenes, i promise they will get better when the drama starts happening (next episodes). Also hope y'all got that flashback reference from the first chapters 💀💀

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