And He Cried Mercy... *3*

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So i fixed the chapter titles and now they have numbers! yayz for numbers. if you want me to read your story on here then leave a comment with the title =) i would be happy to read and comment.


Once I was done getting ready for the day I told Aunt Nattalie I was leaving for the day and that I would be back later. “Ok just be back by 10:00, and if I’m asleep then whack me with a broom or something. I want to know your home.” I laughed. “Don’t worry, I will Auntie N.”

I locked the front door as I left and headed down Redwood Dr. towards the sun. I walked for about 10 minutes until I found the old abandoned park. I walked slowly over to the set of red swings and sat down on the right one. I took out my IPod and played Memory by Mayday Parade and stared at the ground. As I let my mind slowly drift away from reality I started to hum to the song, and quickly my humming became soft singing.

“This is the memory, this is the curse of having too much time to think about it. It’s killing me, this is the last time this is, my forgiveness. This is endless. Now spring has brought the rain and I still see her face. And I cannot escape the past, creeping up inside, reminding me that I can never bring you back.”

I stopped singing when I heard clapping. I turned to see where the clapping was coming from and found a scene looking kid my age, standing at the entrance of the park. “You sing beautifully, you know. I wonder where you learned to sing like that.” He said the last part mostly to himself.

“Um... thanks? How long have you been there?” I didn’t really like people listening to me singing. “Long enough to know that you would be the perfect lead singer to my band. By the way I’m Kyle.” He stretched out his hand and I shook it. “I’m Mercy. What’s your band name?” “Blood of the Driven.” “Sounds cool enough, so do you just make covers or do you write your own songs? And won’t your band mates want a say in this?” “We do both and we have been looking for someone for so long that they don’t care who it is. Meet me at my house at 12:30 tomorrow and you can meet the guys.” He told me while writing his address on my hand. “Ok see you then Kyle.”

I left after that and went to my house, realizing that it was already 9:55. I got to my house by 10:05 and woke Aunt Nattalie up from where she laid on the living room couch. Once I was done telling her I was alright and I was going to go to bed, I went upstairs to my room and got my comfy pajamas on. As I was crawling into my bed I couldn’t help but wonder if I should go to Kyle’s house tomorrow.

I lay awake for an hour just staring at my ceiling and thinking of random things before I finally let sleep take over me…

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