And he Cried Mercy...*10*

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I walked into my deserted house, took my shoes off and set my keys and wallet on the counter. I skipped into the living room and plopped on the couch, only having to get up again to grab the remote that was next to the TV. I slid the remote off the table it was sitting on and into my hand. I looked up into the TV and screamed. In the reflection I saw a figure standing behind me. I quickly whipped around and held the remote up as a weapon and smacked the person in the head with it. Hard.


“OH I DON’T KNOW MAYBE BECAUSE YOUR IN MY HOUSE AND I SURE AS HEL…” wait only one person I know would use random words instead of swearing…

“Adam?! Oh god I’m so sorry I thought you were some old creeper or something!!” I quickly helped him up from where he was laying on the floor and sat him down on the couch. He grunted and rolled his eyes.

“Your front door was open so I thought I would come in and give yah a visit.”

“Well look how well that turned out.” I stated and jogged into the kitchen to get him an ice-pack for his already swelling forehead. I got a towel to wrap it in and gave it to Adam.

“Sorry about that…” I said sheepishly.

“It’s fine, I would be freaked too if some guy walked into your house and came up behind you without making a sound.” He said while chuckling.

I turned the TV on and put on Psych, Adams favorite show and got some already popped popcorn out of the pantry.

“So you’re here all alone?” he asked me once I sat back down.

“Yeah Aunty N. went into the SR to get some potions, she’ll be back within a couple weeks. Why?”

“I was just wondering.”

For the next couple hours we sat there watching re-runs of Psych and NCIS until we fell asleep.


I woke up to a loud crash that came from the kitchen. I quickly jump up from the couch that I was sleeping on and franticly looked around for a weapon I could use against the intruder. I settled on a purple lamp on the table beside the couch and slowly crept down the hall towards the kitchen. When I was twenty feet away I heard a loud annoyed sigh.

It was a man.

The mystery person spoke quietly “Be quiet you’re going to wake her!” he whisper-yelled at the second person. I took this as the right time to walk in so I slipped around the corner and pointed my lamp at him.

“WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!!” I scream at them and blindly chuck my lamp at him and ten seconds later I hear a loud crash.

The man turns around with his hands up and something sticking out of his hoodie, the rest of it made a small lump under it. He gives me a guilty look and I remember that look from somewhere before now.

“ADAM! You scared the crap outta me!” I yelled at him.

“I’m sorry it was supposed to be a surprise but it went really bad at the last second.” He said and guiltily walked over to me and led me away from the kitchen since there was glass and dishes all over the floor and everything was thrown off the counters making a huge mess.

We walked into the living room and he sat down on the couch when I realized his cheek was bleeding and had a long gash along the length of it. “Oh Adam I'm soo sorry!!” I say and run over to the bathroom to get a band-aid and peroxide to clean up the cut, I also grab an old towel before I go back to the living room.

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