And He Cried Mercy...*11*

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As Promised.. but im afraid im still working on chapter 12. dont fret my prettys ill post again soon. and a big thanks to my sis cuz i love her and she inspired me to write this so here ya go...


After I woke up that morning Adam told me he had another surprise for me. I ran up the stairs and picked out my clothes, a purple Arizona tank top and jean shorts. I took my clothes into my bathroom and jumped into the shower. After my long relaxing shower I did my makeup and straightened my hair with a flat iron.

“MERCY ARE YOU DONE YET?!?!?!?!” I heard Adam yell from downstairs.

“YEAH GIVE ME A MINUTE!!” I yelled back at him.

I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed a smiley face necklace and a couple of Black Veil Brides and My Chemical Romance bracelets and slipped them onto my wrists.

I walked down the stairs and saw that Adam was sitting on the couch with Gemini in his lap, biting on the strings from Adam’s purple hoodie. I giggled at the sight and walked out the door and into Adam’s car. He joined me soon after and we sped toward out destination.

Adam blindfolded me halfway through the car ride and blasted Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance through his speakers. We both sang along until the song ended and the next one came on.

In 20 minutes flat we were out of our car and into the building. Adam guided me into a room because I was still blindfolded and turned the lights off and then took my blindfold off. He flipped the lights back on and a chorus of ‘SURPRISE!’ and ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ ‘s hung in the air.

I looked around the room and saw Kyle, Alex, Cole, Matt, Tyler, Sky, Adam, and then my eyes landed one Aunt Nattalie.

“Oh my gosh! I thought you wouldn’t be here for another week!” I screamed and ran up to her and squeezed the life out of her, well almost. I really don’t want to kill my Aunt so just enough to show how excited I was.

“Well I caught an early portal, and you didn’t think I’d miss your birthday did you?” I said while laughing.

“Well I guess not! By the way where are we?” I asked them with a huge grin on my face.

“The go-cart rink!” Adam said cheerfully. My grin got bigger and I ran up to him and hugged him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I screamed then ran out of the room and jumped into a go cart.

I looked back and saw everyone jogging after me and climbing into their own carts and racing off. I quickly composed myself and raced off after them.

As I passed a person I would wave and smirk at them. It was only me and Adam left and he was in front of me. I quickly swerved making us neck and neck. The finish line was getting nearer and we were still neck and neck. I did a risky thing and slowed down and let him go in front of me but right before he could cross the finish line I floored it and raced across it before him.

I looked back and saw that Adam was smiling and clapping. I got out of my cart and hugged Adam. “Nice move Mercy.” Adam complimented me.

I smiled back at him and mumbled a ‘thanks’. But my smile faltered and disappeared when Adam stiffened and stepped in front of me. I turned around to see what he was looking at and saw three people clapping.

The three strangers were wearing what looked like medieval clothes. The leader, a woman that looked like she was in her mid-thirty’s had a red corset dress on with a black cape over it, her eyes were brown and she had long straight brown hair. Behind her were two younger people, a boy and a girl about my age. The boy was wearing a red dress shirt and black dress pants, he had ice blue eyes and his hair was black and was styled like ‘emo hair’. The girl was wearing a black corset dress with a red cape over it, and she had green eyes and long black hair that was in loose curls to her waist.

“Who are you?!” Kyle yelled, seeing how protective Adam was being over me and piecing the facts together.

“I am Vivian Stone, and this is Willow and Xavier Sawyer. But you my dear children can call us the Elders.”

Everyone gasped and I just about fainted. I quickly backed away from them and ran out of the door. I was running down the street when it started to rain. Hard. Soon I couldn’t even see five feet in front of me and then I heard a van pull up and someone get out of it. I started running faster but I slipped and fell on my head, I could already feel the blood pouring out of a huge gash. I felt arms wrap around me, then it all want black.

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