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Alright, I know what you’re thinking. “Oh my gosh, she hasn’t uploaded in forever!” yeah I know I haven’t. I have zero ideas for this story… their MAY be another chapter coming in the near future but other than that I think this story is dead to me. I'm going to try my hardest to write a better, more detailed story such as Forbidden Secrets and work on getting in longer chapters. Please look out for that.

I AM back from my vacation, so that means ill have a lot of free time to work on chapters for FS. Hopefully they’ll meet my standards and ill post them.

Also if you have any questions for me or any comments on my writing, good or bad, ill post up a story called 'Q&A, Comments & Reviews' you can comment anything there, but if it is not a comment the story is meant for then it will be reported and deleted

I think that’s about it, thanks for reading. Please check out Forbidden Secrets if you haven’t already. =­]


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