And He Cried Mercy...*7*

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I woke up this morning to a loud thump. I sit up and realize I am on the floor lying next to an empty sleeping bag. I stand up and walk over to my window but only to trip over a large warm object.

What the hell?!

 I look down and see Sky groaning, holding her head.

“Well that was a nice way to wake up, first I fall off the bed then I’m tripped over!” she complains. Last night comes back to me and I remember Adams arm wrapped around my waist. I shrug off that thought and mumble sorry to Sky.

I walk out my door and smell bacon and eggs. I bound down the steps and come face to face with Adam. He takes out 3 plates from the cupboard and fills them with food before he sets them on the table.

“Goodmornin’” he says. “I thought I would make breakfast, come eat.”

“Thanks, but why are their 3 plates, isn’t Aunt Nattalie here?” I ask.

“No she went out window shopping with Grace.” I remember that Aunt Nattalie always complains she never gets to see her best friend anymore. I guess she found time to today.

I shrug and walk over to the fridge and take the milk carton out and pour myself a glass. I go to put the milk away, but see a note tapped to the fridge. I silently put the milk back in the fridge and then peel the note off the fridge. I see it is from Aunt Nattalie and sit down at the table to read it.

            Dear Mercy,

Your old Aunt finally found some time for her friends, so I will be out “window shopping” with Grace. But as we all know I’m not very good at the window part to the shopping, I brought money with me so be ready to try on a bunch of clothes when I get home. Grace says hi by the way. Can you please go grocery shopping; I left a list on the counter. Thanks.

Love you,

Aunt Nattalie

Well it looks like I’m going grocery shopping.

“Come on your going with me” I tell Adam.

“Going where?”

“We have to go grocery shopping for my Aunt.” I tell him.

I finish my breakfast and grab the note off the counter. I get ready and stick the note in my skinny jeans. I pull a white hoodie over my ‘I love nerds’ t-shirt. And walk out the door with Adam and Sky.

I hop in my Aunt’s car, apparently I look like I’m old enough to drive if I sit on a few books and she made me take classes so I know how to do it already, and drive down the street.

“I still can’t believe Nattalie lets you drive!” Sky exclaims.

“I know me either. But the cops must be dumb around here because I’ve never gotten pulled over!” I tell her. Every time a good song comes on, we sing out hearts out and scream the lyrics like fools. We were already having fun and we didn’t even reach the grocery store.

I parked a few minutes later and made Adam push me in one of those kiddie carts around the store. I picked out what we needed before I went to the cashier, grinning seeing that it was Klye.

“I didn’t know that you worked here.” I told him. knowing the store higher young kids to do a lot of work for cheap, it doesn’t surprise me that he works here at all.

“Well we need equipment for the band and my mom doesn’t pay for it, so I took a job here.” He said. While he rang up our items I looked around and saw that Alex also works here, and said hi to him too. I introduce both of them to Sky and Adam.

“Your total is $39.95.” Kyle says. I gave him the money and hopped back into the cart, seeing him laugh.

“ONWARDS!” I yell to Adam and he runs out of the store.

We load everything into the car and drive home. When we get home we unpack everything and play a game of cards in the living room.

“Do you have a three?” Sky asks me.

“Go Fish.” I tell her for the tenth time.

I look at my cards and see I only have two left, a Jack and a 4 of hearts. Sky has about 20 cards in her hand and Adam has about 50. I laugh at this and say “ lets just say I won guys.”

“NO! I will not be defeated!” exclaims Sky. Adam agrees with a look of determination chiseled into his face

“Fine you guys play but I’m done playing.” I say sanding up and walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed the milk carton out of the fridge and pour myself a glass.



To unexplain the unforgivable

Drain all the blood

And give the kids a show!

I answered my phone mid- ring, not bothering to look at the caller id.


“Hi, is this Mercy?” a male voice asks.

“It depends, who is this?”

“Alex.” He answers.

“Welp this is Mercy, what’s up?”

“I just called to tell you we have practice tomorrow at 12:00.” Alex says.

“Ok bye.”


I walk back to the living room and tell them that I’m going to sleep and they could stay over again too.

I walk up to my room and climb in bed; I was just about to fall asleep until a voice came from in front of me.

“Hey Mercy.”

I open my eyes and see Jace’s face. “Hey why didn’t you come yesterday?” I ask.

“I couldn’t I’m sorry but I’ll be here in the morning so just go to sleep. Oh and by the way Nick says hi.”

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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