And He Cried Mercy..*6*

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watching scream of the banchee... HORROR MOVIES FOR THE WIN!! ...just sayin...


I woke up at 8:00 tomorrow morning to someone singing in my room. I opened my eyes to see Adam sitting in a chair that was placed in the corner of my room. He was singing the song we made up in 5th grade.

“Poptart, poptart, oh somebody stole my poptart! Oh Noes!” he continued to the next verse as I stared at him dumbfounded.

“Cooookie, Cooookie, oh somebody ate my Cooookie! Oh Noes!” I giggled, remembering that I took his cookie and ate it when he created that part.

“Apple, Apple, somebody stole my app…”

“Stop! I’m up!” I cut him off.

“Why are you in my room anyways? I thought I was supposed to go to your house for the marathon.” I asked him.

“You were but I figured you would want to watch them in the comfort of your very own home! So I came all ready in my Marathon watchin pajamas and 4 bags full of movies and TV series!” he exclaimed, grabbing his pant leg and a bag of movies to emphasize how ‘ready’ he was.

“Oh cool… I guess…” I really wasn’t a morning person, especially in the summer. I could see a frown playing on Adams lips, threatening to turn into a full blown out scowl. Oh here it comes…

“How can you not be happy?! I just brought you everything you love and you respond with OH COOL?!?!?! Really Mercy, REALLY?!?!” he screamed.

“Sorry, I love it, I’m just soooooper tired. I'm mean come on! Its 8:00! What do you expect of me, I’m not a peppy sally in the morning!” you apologized.

 Peppy sally? Wow you can do so much better, obviously your more tired than you think.

“So what do you want to watch first?” Adam asked, blowing off the whole argument as a huge smile found its way to his face. He stared aimlessly down into the 4 bags of DVD’s, trying to decide if Spiderman was better than Men in Black.

“My vote is for Men in Black.” I stated ad I climbed out of bed and went to my bathroom to change into regular clothes. I grabbed a pink tank top and some yoga pants.

As I was changing I heard Adam yell “Yeah your right.”

Well I guess that’s settled. I thought as I pulled my long brown hair into a ponytail, letting the red streaks in my bangs hang out and frame my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Adam sitting on my bed next to Skylar who was eating a bag of chips.

“I don’t even want to know…” I said and sat down next to them. I really need to lock my front door when I come in for now on.

I sat down next to them, only having to get up again when Skylar said in her sickly sweet voice she only uses when she wants someone to do something for her.

“Can you please put in the movie for us? I'm far too comfy and I'm afraid my bottom might get cold if I get up.” She said the last part in a fake British accent.

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” I responded as I trudged to my TV and put the movie in.

I jumped on my bed as the TV loaded and landed with a content sigh.

Adam stared at the TV and recited the lines as they were spoken and trying to imitate Will Smiths voice at the same time. He completely failed, using a high pitched girl voice instead of the low one Will has. Skylar and I laughed our butts off at this.

***After the Movie Marathon***

“Wow that was awesome!” I screamed, pumping my fist in the air in synch with Adam, while Skylar lies asleep sprawled across my bed.

“I can’t believe she fell asleep during the first movie, I mean how could she not hear the screams from Saw and Saw 2?!” Adam practically screamed at me.

That’s when Skylar jolted awake making the blanket fly off her, revealing her purple tank top and black shorts she was wearing. She made a squeak as a rush of cold air hit her and she scrambled to pull the blanket back on her. When she succeeded she mumbled something about wanting froot loops in a monkey bowl and fell asleep. Apparently she was staying over tonight. I sighed and went to turn the TV off.

I walked back to my bed and found Skylar sprawled everywhere making it very difficult to lay on it with her. I sweatdropped and looked at Adam.

“I think we are sleeping on the floor tonight. Come on and help me get the sleeping bags from the basement.” I told him as I walked out of my room and tiptoed down the steps, making sure I didn’t wake up Aunt Nattalie.

As we reached the basement door I whispered to Adam for him to go first.

“Are you kidding me?!” he whispered/ screamed at me.

“That’s exactly what the axe murderers want you to do, send the strong, built, amazing, gorgou…”

“Get to the point already!” I practically yelled at him.

“Ok Ok jeeze, they want you to send me down first into the dark, quiet, eerie basement so they can knock me out and leave you unprotected. Then they’ll kill you slowly and not lay a finger on me… maybe.” He stated quite confidently.

I sighed and smacked his arm playfully. “Fine I’ll go first wimp.”

I slowly walked down the stairs and let out an ear-piercing screamed when I reached the bottom, sending Adam rushing down the stairs, only to bump into my back.

He hurried to find the light switch. Once he found it he immediately flipped it on and spun around to look for me as his eyes adjusted to the sudden light change.

His eyes finally cleared his vision, only to have him see me on the ground laughing hard and clutching my sides.

“I can’t believe you fell for that!” I said between giggles.

Adam just scowled and grabbed the sleeping bags.

“That wasn’t funny Mercy!” he yelled at me once we were upstairs.

“Oh come on, you gotta admit it was really funny.” I said.

“No it wasn’t, just go to sleep ok.” He shot right back.

I nuzzled deeper into my sleeping bag and slowly drifted asleep, but not before I felt Adams arm wrap around my waist. I was too tired to shrug it off so I let it lay there.

My last thought was ‘Why didn’t Jace come today?’

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