And He Cried Mercy... *12* {{{!!EDITED!!}}}}

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HEY GUYS! so i know its been a while... anyways so im glad you came back and re-read this because i changed the plot and Lucas's character. if you are just now reading this, WELL THANK YOU, YOU BEAUTIFUL UNICORN! =D =] dont forget to comment, vote and all that jazz =P


12~ I Meet His Family

I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and the sound of voices around me. The situation I was in reminded me of a movie, the person being kidnapped would stupidly open their eyes and freak out, and then the kidnapper would knock them out again. This resulted in the person not knowing anything about where they were or why they were there. I decided to be smart and all ninja like and keep pretending to be asleep while I listened to what they were saying.

“What are we going to do with her?” a deep, raspy voice said.

“We will have to wait and see, Prince Lucas could decide if he wants her as a slave.” A smooth girlish voice stated deadpan.

“And if he doesn’t want her?”

“Then we’ll test her DNA and duplicate her if we can, and if we can’t then we’ll give her to the whippers and they’ll whip her to death.” She said as she let out an evil laugh.

Oh no, no, no, no! I cannot be sent to be beaten or tested, I DON’T WANT TO DIE! I’M TOO YOUNG! I have to get on this Prince’s good side whether I want to or not…

“Fine by me, I could use some power gainage soon. I'm a little weak; I haven’t tortured anyone this week so I haven’t had pain to feed on.” He stated and laughed.

It was silent after that and I took that as my queue to wake up. I fake yawned and stretched before I opened my eyes. I saw Willow and Xavier sitting across the room from where I was laying on a bed.

“Where am I?” I asked coughing because my throat was so dry.

“In a castle.” Willow retorted. 

“Thanks captain obvious. I meant where, where in the world, what country, state?” I snarled at her. I'm in no mood with her smart aleck answers.

“Honey, you’re not anywhere in the world.” Xavier said and quickly walked out before I could say anything.

Willow set a food tray that I hadn’t noticed she was holding, onto my bed and left after that too. I looked at the tray and poked the chicken that was on there, it was cold. I looked at the drink and saw it was warm water. Great. It’s not like I was expecting anything better. I sniffed the chicken and the water just to make sure it wasn’t poisoned or anything. It smelt ok so I started slowly eating the chicken, savoring the taste, I don’t know when they’ll be feeding me again. I finished my meal and got off the bed.

I looked around to room and saw that the bed I was laying on had purple sheets; I looked to my right and saw a white couch that could seat three people and a chair in the other corner. I saw three doors, a French door, a glass door, and a regular door. I walked over to the regular door and opened it, I saw a bathroom. I walked out and over to the French doors and opened them. I walked out onto the terrace and I looked out onto the horizon. The sky was a beautiful purple and blue mix, there were trees lining the perimeter of the castle and a densely packed forest behind them. I sighed and walked back inside.

Well they sure do know how to decorate rooms, I just wonder why they gave me such a nice one, not that I'm complaining, but if I'm supposed to be a slave then why would they give me such a nice room?  I thought to myself.

I walked over to the double doors and found out that they lead out to the hallway. The stupid Elders weren’t even smart enough to lock it so I wouldn’t escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2011 ⏰

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