And He Cried Mercy... *5*

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Just a little bit of drama! hey please vote for Watty Awards! i would love you till forever and a bazillion years after that!!


We practiced for a few more hours and they had me sing Darling by Eyes Set to Kill to see if I could sing the screamo parts, I couldn’t. Tyler and Alex can though so they will sing/scream those parts.

We were all sitting in the basement, I was on the couch with Alex and Tyler, Cole was in the Lazy Boy armchair and Kyle was in a computer chair.

While Alex and Tyler were singing Knives and Pens for me, Cole was texting and Kyle was quietly talking on his phone to someone. I ignored them and went back to listening to Tyler and Alex, I gotta say they are really good singers. I joined them with the verse they were singing. I turned my head to look around the room again and when I reached the door to the upstairs, I choked on my words.

Standing there was a ghastly figure. A teenage boy. He had black hair and green eyes that looked exactly like Kyle’s. He was about 5’1 and really skinny. But best of all he was transparent.

A ghost. The first ghost I have seen in over months to be exact.

And to add even more fun to this moment, he was in his death body; axe in his head, blood splattered all over him, and his once white button up tee is now completely red.

He stood there staring at me and when he realized I could see him, he smiled. Then he vanished.

“Are you ok Mercy?” Alex asked me. I realized that I was still staring at the door with a look of horror on my face. I quickly reassembled my features into a smile and said “Yeah just peachy.”

“Well ok, but you looked so out of it. Are you sure you’re alright?” “Yeah I’m ok, just thought I saw something, I was wrong. I’m alright.” “Ok then…”

They went back to singing and I started to wonder who it could be. It’s just that he looked so much like Kyle; maybe I should ask Kyle if he has any siblings.

No Mercy, you can’t do that!

Uh who are you?!??!

I’m your conscience silly!

Ok well can you leave me alone?

NO! I can’t let you ask him!

And why not?!?!

Because it could hurt his feelings DUH!

Oh well I haven’t thought of that…

Yeah so don’t be so selfish!

Ok, Ok, Ok. Just get out of my head so I can think!

All right, jeesh! But I’ll be back!

So if I ask him, I’ll get answers but I might bring up a touchy subject… but if I don’t ask him I won’t be able to help this ghost. What to choose, what to choose.

I looked over at Kyle and saw that the ghost was behind him holding Kyle’s shoulders, and it seemed like Kyle didn’t even notice.

“Ask him please.” I heard him whisper. I decided on what I would do. I nodded slightly to him and walked over to Kyle. I sat down on the ground in front of him and tapped his knee.

“…Oh hey Mercy, what’s up?”

“Can I talk to you in the band room?”

I figured that would be the most sound-proof place here.

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