And He Cried Mercy...*4*

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I jumped in my bed at the sound of a garbage truck outside my window.

 Why do those things have to be so damn loud?! I mean seriously who wants to be woken up at 9:00 on a Saturday?!?!  I thought with a huff.

Since I was already awake I went downstairs in my pajamas. I concentrated on how many steps I could take at a time. I got up to 5 stairs and then I tripped and fell down the remaining 15 stairs.

Ouch!  I lay there every part of my body sprawled this way and that, looking like an idiot.

I heard hysteric laughing and decided I would get up. After I was on my feet I saw that Aunt Nattalie and Skylar laughing their butts off.

“Well I’m glad I amuse you.” They still stood there clutching their sides while tears ran down their faces.

“That…hahah…so…ha!...funny...Ahahaha…wow!” they both said at the same time.

“It wasn’t funny.” I spat at them.

I lifted my shirt up and sure enough, there was a huge purple bruise. *sigh*

I ate my Lucky Charms in silence and put my bowl in the sink. I walked upstairs, one at a time, and went into my room to get dressed.

I decided on a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I also picked out a purple studded belt and pink cancer bracelets. I wore my usual heart necklace also.

I grabbed my IPod and headed over to Kyle’s house, leaving Skylar and my Aunt still laughing on the floor. They are such idiots.

It turns out Kyle’s house is right down the street from mine. It took me a grand total of 5 minutes to get there because I kept stalling.

I knocked on his front door and heard footsteps. I waited while they walked to the door, I heard a click and the door opened and I saw an older lady maybe in her late 30’s.

“Hello you must be Mercy, please come in. I’m Mrs. Knight, Kyle and his friends are downstairs.” “Thank you.” I said politely and followed her to a door and she said just to walk down the stairs and take the hall down to the first door on the right. I did as she said and as I got closer to the door I could hear the bass drum beating, the guitar making unrealistic solos so high it could break glass, and the bass keeping the tune. Then the vocals came on and it completes it all. The melody flowed through me and my soul sang with happiness.

I opened the door and saw five guys playing their instruments. When I entered the room Kyle looked at me and held up his hand so the others would stop playing. Once they did they all looked over at me and smiled.

“Hey Mercy this is all the guys, guys this is Mercy, be nice and I mean it.”

A tall blond with bright green eyes and snakebites came up and held his hand out. “I’m Cole, nice to meet you Mercy. I play the drums in Blood of the Driven. I like your shirt by the way.” I smiled and shook his hand. I think I could get along with him just fine.

“Sup, I’m Tyler. I’m your backup singer along with Alex, that is if you’re good.” Said an emo looking guy with black hair, electrifying blue eyes, and snakebites.

“I’m Alex, and like Tyler said I’m your back up singer.” Alex had a deep brown hair with brown, gold flecked, eyes and had an eyebrow pierced along with his lip. He seemed like the shy type.

“Hey I’m Matt, and I play the bass,” said a lanky guy with gold eyes that almost looked yellow, he had light brown hair and didn’t have any piercings.

Kyle came up and told me “I play electric guitar and I’m also the manager of the band. You’re going to show them how well you sing because they don’t believe me. So what song do you want to sing? We know almost every good song ever made.” I thought for a moment and decided I would sing the silence by Mayday Parade. (AN: yeah I love them so there’s going to be a lot of their songs in here and My Chemical Romance, also Paramore)

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