Bonus Chapter

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In 1999, in Tokyo Japan, there happens to be a house mansion, where Mr & Mrs Kujo live, alongside with their 9 year old daughter, Jolyne Kujo, alongside with Jocelyn's grandparents. Suzi Q and Rosas sadly passed away peacefully together, they will be remembered, and of course Iggy as well Due of dog years day, Polnareff, Avdol and Kakyoin came to visit, as they were called to come over and go on a tour mission. Rumors were heard that some of the arrows that Enyaba bought were still in Egypt, and yet, rumors were heard that In Morioh Japan, there happens to be a sick murderer wondering around the town and wrecking havoc....and also, going to meet up with a specific person that Josephine has kept everyone a secret....

Kakyoin: ...You think everything is okay in there?

Polnareff: I don't know, Jocelyn and (YN) both didn't sound like themselves when they called us, hope everything is okay with them.

Avdol: ...It would appear the two of them are having difficult time fixing their problems they are having with each other.

Kakyoin: Man, never would have I thought those two end up having problems, their always so happy.

Avdol: Family isn't just to live happily Kakyoin, it can also contain problems that are caused with unknown reasons.

Polnareff: Man, I feel sorry for those two, wonder how little Jolyne is holding it up.

Avdol: She'll be fine, she's a brave little one.

Kakyoin: Hmm.

Avdol:'s not only Jocelyn and (YN) having some problems with each other.

Polnareff: Huh?? What are you saying??

Kakyoin: Yea Mr.Avdol.

Avdol: ....*sighs* I can't yell you, it's a word I just keep for myself that Mrs.Joestar has told me...but...I don't know wether I feel sorry for her...or feel terribly sorry for Mr.Joestar *Why Mrs.Joestar...why have you been keeping this secret from your own husband...??!*

In the house mansion, in the hallways and take a look in an office, (YN) was looking outside the window, as he got some stuff ready to head for their mission at Morioh, and by the looks of it...he didn't seem like himself at all....he looked...upset, and then, Jocelyn enter the office and knock..

Jocelyn: Hey...

(YN): ....

Jocelyn had a guilt look on her face, looks down and seems to be sad...

Jocelyn: H-Hey...listen...I just wanted to come and...apologize for the problems we are having....and I don't want us to be like this no more...I want to-

(YN): Jocelyn.

(YN) turns around, slowly approaches to Jocelyn and says...

(YN): Please, don't bring it up again, I don't wanna start another fight with you.

Jocelyn: I-I know, I'm not..! I-I just wanted to know that I'm so-

Jocelyn Kujo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now