Chp.52 Alessi/The Return Of OG Josephine

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As we left off, Alessi uses his shadow stand, set, to turn Josephine into a child, but not quite, instead, Josephine was now back as a teenager, a 18 year old young beautiful teenage girl... Alessi then started to become curious about this for now, this Josephine didn't sound American...she now sounds British....

Alessi: H-How the hell did you know I was gonna say that?!?

Josephine: *chuckles* its a trick I learned back at New York...If you don't believe me, then I'll do it again, the next line you'll say is "There's no way in hell you can just predict everything I say"

Alessi: There's no way in hell you can just predict everything I say-WHAAAAAAAAT!?!?

Josephine: Next you'll say is "How are you doing this?!"

Alessi: How are you doing this-*chokes on words* THE HELL!?!!

Josephine: Next is "Stop it"

Alessi: Stop it! WHAAT!?!

Josephine: Told you. Believe me now?

Alessi: Nrrrrgh. Screw this! Enough with this shit! You may predict everything someone will say, but I can assure you hell that you don't have anything to fight in your teenage days! Not even your stand Hermit Purple!

Josephine: Tch. Please, who do you think your talking to? Your talking to Josephine Joestar, the one who defeated 3 Aztec Gods who were known as the Pillar men, alongside with a special partner of mines and our best friend with our master!

Alessi: ...Th-Three A-Aztec ....Gods!!?!

Josephine: That's right. Now, what are you gonna do? you either back away and give up, or make the wrong move, your choice pal.

Alessi started get irritated already as he then suddenly rushes after Josephine...

Alessi: I don't have time for this! I just wanna end this already! Now Josephine Joestar, it it finally time for you to die!!!!!

As Alessi got to Josephine and swings his axe to Josephine, she suddenly and amazingly caught the axe with her two bear hands...

Alessi: I-Impossible!! Y-you couldn't have had one of your fingers chopped or one of your hands chopped off as well!! How the hell did you catch it and not a single scratch on your hands!?!!

Josephine: Now, what were you saying about me not having anything on me to fight or defend myself against?? You may be right on the part where I didn't have my Hermit Purple back on my young days, but what you didn't know is that I have a technique. Allow me to show you.

Suddenly, Josephine both hands started to give up some yellow sparkle aura around his hands...

Alessi: What the-

Josephine: What your looking at here is a technique called Hamon, and this right here will be my ticket of defeating you. Now, since you didn't wanna back up and give up...

Josephine suddenly started to breathe as his Hamon started to glow and sparkle as then was able to smash Alessi's axe into pieces...

Alessi: Wh-What the hell!?! How did you-

Josephine then gives Alessi a brutal punch to the face...

Josephine: You made the wrong move! You shitty bastard!

Alessi trips down as he notices that he has a broken nose due to Josephine punch, he started bleeding a lot from his nose...

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