Chp.19 The Mirror Stand Appears

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The crusaders continue their adventure as they pass through several destinations; Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore...their next stop is Calcutta India..

Josephine: So we have finally arrive to India...but then again, I'm a bit worried. Say Avdol, You think there's any restaurant where they have cheeseburgers? I heard people in India have a place where they eat curry only.

Polnareff: I know. I'm worried that my stomach will not be able to handle the culture gap.

Avdol: *Chuckles* Do not worry friends. India is full with extraordinarily and nice people. That I assure you my friends. Well, we've reach Calcutta. Let's get going.

As the boat stop, the crusaders got off from the boat as they arrive to Calcutta, India. As they did, a bunch of full Indian people rush towards them as they started asking them favors, one of them ask Kakyoin if he wanted a tattoo, another asked Polnareff if they can carried his bag for him, some were asking Josephine if she needed some antidote, children were sparring (YN) and Jocelyn for some change...

Joseph: WOW! Never knew India can be like this!

Polnareff: Hey get off from my bad!

Kakyoin: Aw man. I think I got my wallet stolen!?

Josephine: So Avdol, this is India after all!?

Avdol: See? Isn't it a great country you guys? *laughs* Their the reason why they make India great.


Minute later, the crusaders then arrive to a restaurant to have a break...

Avdol: Here my friends, try this. This is called chai. It's a delicious drink in India. A sweet drink made by boiling black tea, sugar, and ginger with milk.

Everyone takes a drink of chai...

Kakyoin: Oh wow.

(YN): This is-

Polnareff: Delicious!

Jocelyn: Heh, just as I expected.

Josephine: At least we have some peace.

Avdol: You guys will love it here. It's an amazing place filled with innocent and kind people.

Jocelyn: You know, I have to agree with you Avdol. It is cool here in India.

(YN): Agreed. Never thought India has delicious food here as well

Polnareff: But still, it's a culture shock. Guess I'll like it once I get use to it. Now excuse me I'll have to go use it.

Polnareff then heads over to the bathroom as a waiter then calls him...

Waiter: Pardon me sir?

Polnareff: Yes?

Waiter: Please use this while your in there.

The waiter then hands Polnareff a stick as he then walks away...

Polnareff: The hell am I suppose to do with this? ...Oh well.

He then heads over to the bathroom as he opens the door and enters to notice how clean it is inside, the toilet as well...

Polnareff: Ou La La. I must, the toilet looks weird but it's cleaner than I suspect. A gentleman like me can actually get use to this.

Not even a second as Polnareff was about to use it as he somehow started screaming in fear, and got out of the bathroom like he was scared of something, like if he seen a ghost...the waiter then comes by to check on him..

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