Chp.3 Enter Noriaki Kakyoin

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Meanwhile, in a room with a dark background, a muscular man appeared laying down on the bed, this muscular man had blonde hair, and also having the star shape birthmark of the Joestar bloodline, this ladies and gentlemen is DIO, he then got up as he notices something going on as he says...

DIO: *soft wrrryyyy* This again? Just now, I could have sworn that i felt someone has been watching me spiritualy. It must be (Part 1 (YN)'s) descendants after all if im correct. This body of his must be sending out some kind of soul signal to his descendants. Very well then, this might be called fate...a fate I must eliminate. Destiny i must erase. I have already made my move already!


As the next day goes by, morning I should say, Jocelyn was already on her Japanese school uniform as she was ready to leave to school until her mother then calls her name out as she came running towards her...

Holly: Jocelyn honey! Don't leave yet. You forgot something important. Silly girl. Here's your goodbye kiss.

Holly then kisses Jocelyn on the cheek as she then felt annoyed about it somehow...

Jocelyn: Your such a bitch. Stop clingy me like im still your little girl!

Jocelyn then walks away as Holly then said with a smile...

Holly: Okay! Have a nice day at School sweetie!

Jocelyn: ...what a pain in the ass...Yare Yare Daze.

Jocelyn then started heading over to her school. Minutes later as she arrive as all the teenage boys were happy and surprise to see Joceyln back at school. The boys were already being nice to Jocelyn somehow, and knowing where has she been these pass four days...some of the boys started to fight over Jocelyn for no reason, as that made her annoying and piss of how whiny and bitching they can be...but the boys didn't cared at all as they still like Jocelyn the way she Jocelyn proceeds her day at School as she was heading over to some stairs that leads her she was taking the first step...suddenly, her leg than somehow was cut as blood of hers started to pour out from the cut, making her loose her balance and falling downstairs...she was this close to falk to the ground and die as she notices the branches of the trees, she uses her stand to grab the branches to swing and land on the floor safe. As she does, the boys started running downstairs to check on her as Jocelyn started to wonder what the hell just happen...

Jocelyn: Did a branch slash up on my leg? No. That can't be. Its the cause that made me fell down the stairs just like that, the cut did. But how.

The boys then came upon to Jocelyn as they check on her...suddenly at the top of the stairs, there was another teenage boy with green uniform who was just standing there, starring at Jocelyn, for somehow he may be the cause of Jocelyn falling down the stairs due to him having a paintbrush and a portrait with a drawing of Jocelyn...

suddenly at the top of the stairs, there was another teenage boy with green uniform who was just standing there, starring at Jocelyn, for somehow he may be the cause of Jocelyn falling down the stairs due to him having a paintbrush and a portrait ...

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