Chp.60 Encountering Vanilla Ice Pt.1

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Meanwhile, back outside at the mansion, Avdol, Iggy, Polnareff and (YN) has already been waiting for the pass 20 minutes...

Avdol: 20 minutes has pass already. And if I remember, Mrs.Joestar order me and (YN) to set this mansion on fire, but I say we go. We must go in.

Polnareff: Agree.

(YN): Lets go.

Iggy: Right.

Avdol: But before we go in, I must say something.

The three looked at Avdol...

Avdol: If we all get lost, or severely injured just letting you three know, that we all have our backs. Make sure you all understand that. Remember, as a team, we must go in and defeat Dio once and for all.

Polnareff and (YN) walked to Avdol as the fool shook his hands and smiled...

Polnareff: If we get our alive, your gonna treat me with one hell of a meal.

Avdol: *chuckles* I'll treat you all three.

Iggy: Awesome.

(YN): Sounds good to me. But you don't have to worry about me, since I well..can't die. I will be able to save you and protect you all.

Avdol: Indeed.

Iggy: Well, what are we waiting for, let's go in and find this Dio bastard and end him!

Polnareff: Alright lets go!

And so Avdol, Polnareff, Iggy and (YN) enter the mansion to goo look for Jocelyn and the others to reunite once and for to stop Dio. As they run down the hall, they arrive in some labyrinth place which is dark...

Avdol: I know Mrs.Joestar told us to set the mansion on fire, but setting this it here in this labyrinth would put us in danger. So instead, Magician's Red!

Avdol summons magicians red as Magicians Red then made flaming life forms...

Avdol: These flames detect life forms. It can detect anything that's breathing and moving from both human and animal. It can be also detect enemy stands, so let it lead us. And also, it has six flames linked together to show us the direction, left, right, up and down. So, Mrs.Joestar and the others were sent down, so let's go downstairs..

As they all walk downstairs and arrive to another room, the flames started to act up..

Avdol: The flames are picking up on something. Apparently it's in front of us to left!

They all looked to the left to notice nothing, but for Iggy, he was picking something up by smelling inside the wall...

Iggy: Come on our, The Fool!!

Iggy summons the Fool as it then rushes to the wall, use its claws to strike the wall to notice that inside the wall was a person, an enemy stand, it then got its chest slice up and fell down to the ground...his name was Billie Jean and his stand powers was illusions..

Polnareff: Who the hell is this guy??

(YN): Guys look around. The maze. It disappeared.

Avdol: I believe this person was a stand user and his stand's powers were able to create illusions. Good thing Iggy's nose found him.

Iggy: What can I say, my nose never fails me.

Avdol: Alright then, the mansion has been settled back to its normal self. And by the looks of it, the flames hasn't picked anything up yet.

As they continue their way to look for Joseph, Kakyoin and Jocelyn. Avdol notice something on the wall, there was a writing that said "After you see this writing, turn around and die"

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