Chp.51 Encountering Alessi

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As we left off with Polnareff already going to attack at Alessi, Alessi then suddenly summoned his stand as well...his stand was the shadow as its eyes open and goes after Polnareff, Polnareff jumps as the shadow stand barely touched him...

Polnareff: Oh man that was a close one! So I was right you are a stand user!

Alessi started starting at Polnareff menacingly as he then...runs away???

Polnareff: He's running!?! Hey Jocelyn, (YN)! I found an enemy! I'm hot on his trail!

Jocelyn and (YN) turned around to notice that Polnareff wasn't to be seen...

(YN): Polnareff, where did you go??

Polnareff: I'm on to him!!!

Jocelyn: Polnareff! Shit, where did he run off to?!

(YN): I don't know, but if I heard him correctly, he said he's chasing an enemy stand.

Jocelyn: Yeah, come on, let's go and find him.

Jocelyn and (YN) two split up to go look for Polnareff...back with Polnareff in his first person view, he was still chasing Alessi as he goes in Ana Alley as Polnareff continues chasing him....but every turn Alessi makes, Polnareff started to sound weird and somehow becoming slow...his voice started to become and sound like child little by little...not only that, his view seems to be like everything for him looks so big and couldn't keep up chasing after he got to the end of the Alley, he couldn't see Alessi, but what he notices is his voice, body and everything about him...

Polnareff: What the hell?! What's wrong with my voice!? And why are my clothes so huge?!

He takes a look at the reflection of the window he notices something about him and his body....he now realizes why he sounds weird and why he looks so small...he somehow turned back into a child...

Polnareff (Child): What the!??? Why am I a kid!?! No way! No way! No way! C-Could this really be happening to me!?! How the hell did I turn into a kid!?! I-it must've been that creep's power that I was chasing...that shadow...that was I'm his stand that it barely touched me when I jumped.. Damn it! How did I let him do this to me! Shit, now what!?!

In the reflection, he sees Jocelyn walking pass by as he calls her...

Polnareff: Hey you!

Jocelyn: Huh?

Polnareff: Hey Jo..Joc-I Hmm....Jackie? No wait Jasmine!? *the hell how come I don't know her name, I know who she is but don't know her name!?! Why I don't remember her!?!*

Jocelyn: Hey little kid. You wouldn't happen to see a guy. He's about this tall...and come to think of it, he has the exact same haircut like yours.

Polnareff (Child): Yeah! That's me!! That's me!!

Jocelyn: ...Yare Yare. Asking a kid was a awful idea.

Polnareff (Child): No wait! I-

As Jocelyn turns around and Polnareff still trying to confess her that it's him that's she's looking for, Alessi suddenly appeared as he blocked Polnareff's way...

Alessi: *grins and laughs* I take it that you realize body has change into a kid. Both your body and mind are going to be reverting to your childhood.

Polnareff (Child) Mind: H-He can't be serious if could just erase everything I know as an adult and go back having a brain as a I gues it's true! It's becoming a blur!

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