Chp.26 Steely Dan: The Lovers Pt.1

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With Enyaba tied up and a new carriage to ride, The Crusaders arrive the town of Karachi, the coastal town that leads Pakistan. which lies the river of delta. As they all arrive the town of Karachi, they notice the town is quite good as well, the crusaders then stop by they then got off to go diner kebab joint to have for something to eat...they all got off as they all order themselves hamburgers, one of the most delicious meats in Middle East. As they all started enjoy their meals and finished, they all thanked the owner of the kebab as they head over to the carriage, but as they do, they suddenly notice Enyaba awake...

Josephine: Huh?! Hey that old lady is awake!

Polnareff: Oh no! Hey (YN) summon your stand and scare her again with it like you did back then!

(YN): ...No. there's something wrong.

Polnareff: What do you mean?!

Jocelyn: Take a closer look at her. She seems to be fear of something else.

They all notice Enyaba sweating in Fear as she started saying...

Enyaba: I-I didn't told them anything, I swear! Wh-Why are you here?! What can you possible want from me?! I could never say anything about the truth of Lord Dio! I will always be his servant and be his loyalty!

She then somehow not only she was talking to herself, but she somehow is talking to the owner of the kebab who somehow, he started to stare at her as well, suddenly, a bunch of worms emerge out from Enyaba's eyes and mouth as the carriage broke and freeing the horses as they ran away....

Polnareff: What the!?! Those are worms!

Enyaba: Wh-Why?! Why have you come to kill me!!? I have done nothing wrong!

The owner then took off some clothes of his as he then had some other clothes he had under as he reveals himself...

Owner: Lord Dio places his trust on no one, not even you. That is why. And that's why I'm here to make sure you don't speak for you guys...I'll make sure you leave in pieces.

Enyaba with suffer and pain with the worms she got around her face, she collapse down to the floor...

Owner: You can call me Dan, Dan Of Steel. My stand represents the lovers card. I would know that all of you will meet the same fate as that old pathetic Enyaba.

Polnareff: You son of a bitch! How can you do that to her?! She's one of your allies! M'am! Are you-

Polnareff tried to check on her but the worms keep on growing bigger and bigger and still torturing Enyaba...

Enyaba: Lies! Lies! Th-These are all lies! Dio would never do that to me!

Kakyoin: These things that's coming out from her face are definitely not some stand, those are tentacles!

Enyaba: I have done everything for him to keep him happy! Lord Dio would never do such things like this, not even putting flesh buds on my face!

Kakyoin: What?!!?

Enyaba: L-Lord Dio was my only reason for living! We both trusted each other! Especially me!

Polnareff: Hold on!

Polnareff summons Silver Chariot to cut off the flesh buds off from her face, as it did, the flesh buds melt due to the sun...

Josephine: They got melted! Which means those flesh buds were Dio's cells!

Dan: Correct. I'm impressed the fact you know how a flesh bud looks like and how can it be killed. So that's why I get some on that old hag to kill her, not control her. And to think a old pathetic hag like her can actually be the one who told Lord Dio about the stands. No way Lord Dio would have trust an old hag like you. Seems your haven't realized yet.

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