Chp.4 Help In Need

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Kakyoin: So Long, Jocelyn Kujo!

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!

As Kakyoin's Heirophant Green was cllse to kill Jocelyn, he then heard a door cracked open as he then heard someone saying...

???: Oi. Nurse. You in here?

Kakyoin quickly hides somewhere for him not to be seen as he leaves Jocelyn laying there, injured...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it! Who ever entered I have warn him or her before its too late!

The person that came in the burse office was the name (YN). He had spiky red hair, a black shirt, black pants and red shoes, and red eyes as (YN) entered the room, he notices a bit of mess that happen in the room and the nurse laying on the ground, hurt and blood from her mouth...

(YN): The hell?! Oi Nurse! You okay?!!

(YN) rushes to the nurse and checks on her...

(YN): Shes fine. She just needs to get her wounds treated. But what the hell happened here!?

(YN) then notices someone moving from another side, he runs over and realizes Jocelyn bareky getting up, injured and blood coming from her mouth...

(YN): Oi Oi! You too?! Dont move your injured bad!

Jocelyn: I-Im fine! Just-

Jocelyn the collapse as (YN) quickly catches her from falling down to the ground, Jocelyn notices her beinf catch by (YN) as she stares at him, she suddenly blush a little as she tilts her hat down for him not to see her face...

(YN): Oi you okay!?

Jocelyn: Tch. Yeah im fine alright. You can let go now.

(YN) then let's Jocelyn go...

(YN): Well if you insist, now tell me whats going-

Kakyoin: Emerald Splash!!

Kakyoin: Emerald Splash!!

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Jocelyn: Look out!

Jocelyn then spears down (YN) as Her and (YN) were lucky enough to dodge Heirophant's Emerald Splash. As they were lucky to dodge it, Jocelyn was then on top of (YN) as they both stare at each other fkr a bit, Jocelhn quickly got up as she covers her face with her hat for him not to see her blush...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!

(YN): Oi, you-

Jocelyn: I-Im fine! Just letting you you have to get out of here!

(YN): What?! Why the hell would I do that?! I cant just leave you here all hurt and the nurse is hurt as well!

Jocelyn: Its just-

Jocelyn Kujo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now