Chp.48 Encountering Bastet's Mariah Pt.1

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The crusaders then arrive in the southern side of Egypt as they arrive to another destination, the city of Luxor.

Polnareff: Woah. This place here is really amazing.

Avdol: It is. This is the tombs of the famous King Tutankhamen, which lies to the valley of Kings. If what I heard is true, some of the people here in the residence still dig deep here to look for some treasure without letting the government know.

(YN): Interesting.

Jocelyn: Say, where's the old man???

Avdol: He went to go use the restroom, Iggy l went to join him since he can detect the scent of the enemy.

Polnareff: Is that true?

Avdol: Do you wanna go as well??

Polnareff: Hmmmmmm. If only it's a normal bathroom.

Meanwhile, Josephine was in a cabinet, a bathroom of course as he notice the the toilet was nothing but a huge pile of hole as the piece of shits turn into dusts....

Josephine: Ooh My God! The climate in this damn place is so dry even the piece of shit turn into dust. Which means instead of using water, it gets rid of it with wind...and what's with the bucket of sand over there??

Josephine walls over to the bucket of sand to notice that this is what you use after using the bathroom...

Josephine: So your telling me that instead of toilet paper, I have to use this sand to wipe my ass??!

Desert sand is sterile...


Josephine then exits the bathroom, Iggy as well...

Joseph: I think I'll pull a Polnareff until we get to the hotel and rather do my business in a normal toilet.

As she exits the bathroom, she suddenly notice a electrical outlet that is connected to a boulder...she goes observing it the fact it doesn't have no wires...

Joseph: This does not make no sense. How in the hell can an electrical outlet be in this boulder?? I wonder what's use for. Besides, there's not electricity over here.

She then touches the electrical outlet as it then gives her a massive electric shock to him, sending her flying away....

Josephine: Son of a bitch! That thing shocked me and sent me flying away! The hell!?

Avdol, Jocelyn, (YN), and Polnareff then finds Josephine and Iggy...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, is everything alright? We should probably get going already.

Josephine: O-Oh right we should. Just give me a sec. *That scared the hell out of me, the fact it's still active. Maybe the outlet is connected inside the rock and to the ground somehow...who knows.*

The crusaders then started heading over to the hotel, but before they head over there, they head over to a mini market to take a little break...meanwhile, on top of a hill, the mysterious beautiful lady from before was just there, watching the whole time, this mysterious beautiful lady is none other than one of the nine stand users, her name is Mariah and her tarot card represents the Goddes Bastet

Mariah: Now how does that old saying go again? Curiosity killed the cat?

Mariah flicks her fingers as the electrical outlet attach to the boulder suddenly disappear...weird. Anyways, the crusaders then stopped by on a mini bar market as they got themselves some rest. As for Joseph, his prosthetic hand started to act weird after roughing and getting shocked by the electrical outlet...after that. The crusaders then head to the hotel so they can rest up before heading to Cairo.

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