Chp.32 Hail 2 U: Judgement Pt.1

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As Josephine said, she wants to head over to an island before heading to Egypt. There I someone very important waiting for her and he is known to be also important to their journey somehow. The crusaders then arrive to the island....

Polnareff: Say what's the big idea? Does someone actually live here? This is such a tiny little island. Practically deserted.

Kakyoin: I have to agree. Ms.Joestar, are you sure there is someone here living in this island?

Josephine: He's been living here by himself. A man told me back at India, and I'm sure I heard him correctly.

Kakyoin: Wait?! When you said a man in don't mean-

Polnareff: Mangos from India?!

Kakyoin: *sighs*

Suddenly, Jocelyn and (YN) notices some bushes moving as they both see eyes looking at them, eyes that are from a human...

Jocelyn: Hey old hag. Hate to break it to you but there's someone watching us from the grass over there.

Polnareff: Huh?!

The person that was starring suddenly got up quickly and started running away as he somehow started to look like a friend of them that they know...

Kakyoin: From the back he looks-

Polnareff: I know! I think I can recognize him!

Everyone started to chase the person. As they got to his little house they see him feeding some chickens as he started to say...

???: Eat up now. Are you hungry, Michael? What about you Prince? I mixed some shells that the two of you love. Make sure you all sure. Make sure you eat really good, Lionel.

Kakyoin: That voice! Could he be-

Polnareff: It can't be! I thought he was-

Josephine: Hold it Polnareff!

Polnareff: Huh?

Josephine: I'm gonna go and talk to him. The rest of you wait here for now.

Josephine goes up to y'all to the person...

Josephine: Excuse me sir. The names Josephine Joestar, sorry to come here on the island but we've been traveling to Egypt with these four-

???: Go away! I won't hear it!

Polnareff: It can't be! H-His voice exactly sound like-

???: I won't say it again! Don't talk to me, got it?! No one has ever seen me when they have good news and only come for bad news! Just shut up and go away!

He turns around as they all were shocked to notice that the person...the person who looks and sounds exactly like their old friend that does back at India...Avdol...


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