Chp.28 The End Of Steely Dan

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Dan: Yes! Go into that bitch's ear! I win after all!

As Dan's stand, the lovers then was close to get in to Jocelyn's ear, Star Platinum quickly appeared as she was fast enough to catch Dan's stand...Star Platinum started squishing the lovers as the lovers and Adan ended up getting one arm and leg broken as Dan scream in pain...

Jocelyn: Figured you would do something shitty like that. Don't you know my stand Star Platinum has excellent eye site and precise reflexes. Your pathetic.

Dan: NoNoNoNoNo! I-I wasn't planning anything! Not against your stand's incredible power...

(YN): *chuckles* did he say "Your" stand? Only "Your"?

Dan: Please let me exaplim! What I meant to say is your awesomeness and powerful stand is far superior than any other. I knew I had no chance against your stand. Just look what you done to me. It broke my arm and leg! I can't possibly fight anymore! I can't even move!

Jocelyn: Well, in that case I guess I can take your pathetic pity. Making a payment of your broken arm and leg for all the low blows you gave us. But only if you swear if you never show your ugly ass face in front of us again!

Dan: I'll do anything you say I promise! I'll go to a deserted Island or go to the ends of the earth and never bother you all.

Jocelyn: You better not be lying. Next time I see that face it'll get 1,000 punches.

(YN): Not only that, you're gonna get more pain from me as well.

Dan: I'm not lying! I would never lie the both of you two!

Jocelyn's Star Platinum then let's go of Dan's stand...

Jocelyn: Get lost already then. Come on (YN).

(YN): Right behind you.

As Jocelyn and (YN) turned around to walk away, Dan then notice three kids coming out from the alley as he then grins as he looks at the girl...he then pulls out a pocket knife and calls Jocelyn and (YN)...

Dan: OOOH~Jocelyn, (YN).

The two stop as they didn't even bother to turn around as Dan next said...

Dan: Hehehe. You two are Idiots. Just take a look at the little girl over there. This might interest the both of you, because my stand the lovers just went inside that girl's ear. Now he's heading for her brain! So you two better not move!

Jocelyn and (YN) both stood still, not turning around...

Dan: Here's what I'm going to do. Since (YN) can't be killed due to his stand, Then Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stab you Jocelyn. Right behind your back with this knife so you won't be able to move for the rest of your pathetic life! And (YN), don't you even think about stopping me, cause if you even try, especially you Jocelyn! Don't even try to do something as well to stop me, or I will end that brats life! But you two wouldn't let some innocent child die would you? HaHaHaHaHaHa!!

(YN): *sighs* you hear this bastard...

Jocelyn: Yare Yare...

They both turned around...

Jocelyn: Well then go ahead then, stab me with that knife of yours.

Dan: What the?! Hey did you idiots not listen to me at all!? I told you not to move or I will...w-will...w-will...

Suddenly, for some reason Dan somehow couldn't move at all as (YN) walked to him as and said to him...

(YN): What's the matter? Didn't you said you're gonna stab Jocelyn? Like this!

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