Chp.24 Enyaba's Justice Pt.1

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With a pair of another new wheels and (YN)'s own wheels, The Hell Cycle, the crusaders go off to their next destination, Pakistan. But before they get there, they made a quick stop at a thrift shop for a pair of new clothes for (YN) and they do, luckily for Jocelyn she found a school uniform that looks exactly the one she has, bran new and full wool, she then waits for (YN) at the dressing room as he finishes up putting on some new clothes of his, a red shirt, black pants and some black shoes as well, Jocelyn blushes a bit as she thinks he looks good on him with those clothes. After that, they paid for their clothes and continue their road to Pakistan. Minutes go by as the crusaders were driving on a road with thin fog....

Josephine: Gotta say Jocelyn, never thought you found yourself a Japanese school uniform exactly like how it should be.

Jocelyn: It's 100% wool.

Kakyoin: Say Polnareff, you sure it's safe for you to drive right now? The fog in this area is quite getting thick.

Polnareff: Yeah, but I can handle it. Since a there's a street drop to one side and no guard rail anywhere.

Josephine: Hmm. The fog over there is more thicker. Not even 3'o clock yet..

Jocelyn: Say (YN), how your doing back there with that motorcycle of yours?

(YN): So far so good. Just the fog getting thicker.

Jocelyn: Same here. Just be careful.

(YN): Right.

As Minutes go by again, they all finally arrive to Pakistan. And find themselves a quite town and parked their vehicles...

Josephine: Well I'll be damn. This town looks pretty good. I bet thousands and thousands of people live here.

Kakyoin: Hey lets go ask that gentleman over there at that hotel to book ourselves a room.

They all walked over to the person, crossing his arms....

Polnareff: This town is pretty quite. Every other place we have gone is always rowdy and noisy.

Josephine: It's probably the fog. Linen guys, In Pakistan and the further west in this Islamic world. This is how you greet people. You first smile at them and say...Assalamu Alaiku!

As Josephine said those words to the person/owner of the hotel, he then suddenly flipped the sign from open to close with an aggressive move...

(YN): I think what you said to him might have got him mad.

Josephine: No that's not right...E-Excuse me, no need to close for us sir, we just wanna book ourselves a room that's that okay with you??

Owner: ....I don't know.

The owner turns around and walks away inside the hotel...

Josephine: The hell you mean "Don't know"!? Your the owner of this no?!

The owner then disappears from the darkness...

Josephine: What's with that guy?!

Polnareff: I'm sure he couldn't understand you due to your incorrect pronunciation. Here, let me ask that guy over there.

Polnareff then walks over to the person sitting down...

Polnareff: Excuse me? Mind telling us where can we find another hotel? Preferably a hotel with a nice and clean toilet-GAAAAH!!!!

Polnareff then was shocked to see the person talking, looked like he seem to be dead...

Polnareff: Hey sir! Are you okay!? What-

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