Chp.23 Encountering Wheel Of Fortune

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With a new set of Wheels, Jocelyn and the others head over to North Varanasi and heading over to their next destination; Pakistan.

Kakyoin: Soon we're about to hit the boarder of India Pakistani Border. Guess this is goodbye to India.

Josephine: You know I was starting to have mixed feelings at India, but then again I started to love the aura of Calcutta...

Polnareff: ...I'll be coming back some of these days, and I'll be giving Avdol a proper burial myself.

Everyone stood quiet as they gave a moment of silence the fact they have lost a friend, Avdol...

Polnareff: Anyways, the road is getting narrower.

Suddenly, a red vehicle was then shown in the front as it somehow was driving slow and was kicking dust towards Polnareff and then...

Polnareff: Damn bastard! Why the hell are you driving slow?! Out of the way!

Polnareff then was luckily enough to get pass through the red vehicle as he started becoming a bit reckless...

Kakyoin: WOW easy there Polnareff, your being reckless.

Polnareff: Hehe! This four wheel vehicle feels good to drive!

Josephine: You know, that crazy driving of yours might have fung some pebbles to the car.

Polnareff: Who cares. It's his fault he or she is driving to slow.

Josephine: What I'm saying is that since I'm wanted back at Varanasi of the incident that happened for me to get blame, we should be more careful out here and not cause more trouble.

Jocelyn: Just listen to what the old hag saying Polnareff. Besides, even your reckless driving might cause (YN) to wake up from his nap. And you know what happens when you try waking up from his nap.

Polnareff: ..alright alright. I'll drive safe...for now.

As they move on, Jocelyn was still sitting on top of (YN)'s lap as she then starts to stare at him, she stares at him for a while napping, she then blushes a little as she says in her mind...

Jocelyn Mind: He peaceful when he's sleeping/napping...heh kinda cute-wait the fuck am I saying?? *sighs* Yare Yare...there's that feeling again...why is it everytime I stare or even friendly chat with (YN) I get this...emotion feeling in my damn's not like I-

Suddenly, Polnareff suddenly pressed the brakes real hard as he stopped the car, causing everyone for Jocelyn collapse on the seat, she then notice (YN) on top of her, not just on top of her, but his face placed towards her breasts as she blushed really hard, (YN) then was waking up as he sees Jocelyn blushing...

(YN): oh hey Jocelyn...what's going-

As he then tried getting up, he then noticing something that he felt on his hand, his hand press towards on Jocelyns boobs as Jocelyn blush even more hard...

(YN): Oh shit! I didn't mean to I'm sorry honestly I-

Jocelyn quickly gets up, still blushing as she then hits (YN) on the head...

(YN); OwOwOwOw!! I said I was sorry!

Jocelyn: Sh-Shut up the hell up You!

Josephine: Hey what's going on back there!?

Jocelyn: N-Nothing old hag!

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