Chp.42 Oingo Boingo Brothers: Zenyatta and Mondatta Pt.1

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Meanwhile, in an area where there's a full of people on a trip, there was a little boy with a crazy and big hair style, sitting besides a tree, reading his manga as a male person then walked up to him and asked him...

Person: Hey there little guy. Didn't help out you reading that manga you got. That's unusual. Hey, if you can do me a favor, would you mind me reading that manga of yours? I am a manga artist out in a research trip and nothing jazzes me up in reading some awesome and rare mangas. Say, how about this, I got some snacks you can have and some cool binoculars you can use, what do you say little buddy?

The little boy then somehow accepted as he grabbed a box of mini donuts and the pair of binoculars from the person as he hands him his manga...the person got the manga as he observes it...

Person Mind: Huh? How particular. The story is about two brothers, Oingo and Boingo Brother's adventure. In fact, I don't see the creators name at all...

He opens the manga

Person's mind: Woah. These are really bizarre drawings and colors let's see....there once was two brothers who lived together happily, the big brother's name is Zentatta and the little brothers name is Mondatta. Mondatta, the younger brother was so shy, and wouldn't do anything unless he's with his brother or someone else. One day, Mondatta met a nice traveler. The traveler gave him a box of mini donuts, and let him use his binoculars. Mondatta was having so much fun eating his delicious snakcs and using the binoculars...after that, the traveler then said "Oh it's 10:30 time to get on my bus" but unfortunately as he got on his bus, an accident happen as the traveler was sent flying...and got his throat impaled on an electrical pole and died.

Person: Geez...what a weird comic you got here little on, especially the stuff that is popular here in Egypt? If you ask me is really strange....and yet, the rest of the pages were blank and not finished yet and is not half done. Must be a thud. But somehow...reading this comic feels like I had a connection with it and pulls me towards it...hey kid, this may sound weird but would it be possible if you could sell me this comic?

???: It's not for sale!

Suddenly, a big person who looks exactly like the little boy appeared as he tells the person...

???: Are you deaf of something?! My bro's book is not for sale. Now get out of my sight.

Person: This kids is your brother?! Th-That so's exactly what it says in the-

???: I won't repeat myself ! Get the hell out of here!

The person started to get scared by the little boy's brother as he drops the manga and runs away...

Big Brother: Little bro, what did I told you about talking with strangers. There's lots of bad people roaming around the world.

Bus driver: Last call! Last call for Aswan is getting ready to depart.

The big brother then places his little brother onto his should....

Big Brother: That's us. Their heading over to a hospital in Aswan to take theirs friends to have their wounds treated.

The little brother then shows his big brother his manga as the big brother looked a bit surprised...

Big Brother: you don't say. If that's how it is, then we should wait for the next bus.

And so the brothers waited for the next bus to get on to head over to Aswan...


Later, the two brothers were on their bus as they notice people in it started to look outside to notice the bus from before suddenly and a accident as it was flipped over as the bus driver was badly hurt...and not only that, officers started to look at the electrical pole to see a person, dead as his throat was impaled, and to make thing weird that person that got impaled is the exact person that was talking with the little brother and it happen exactly at 10:30........Hours go by, the two brothers arrive to Aswan as the little brother started looking at his manga to notice new pages are appearing...images from his manga started to appear from the blanks...and not only that, there are similar characters in the comic, who happens to be Jocelyn, Joseph and Polnareff....

Little Brother Mind: The brothers delayed their trip to take another bus four hours later so they can avoid getting an accident. As they arrive to their destination, they made their discovery, finding the three bad people. But the brothers wonder what could they be talking about? But have no fear, the brother have a plan to defeat the bad guys, all they have to do is poison them on their drinks.

Little Brother: *chuckles* Hey big to big bro.

Big Brother: Huh?

The lift brother hands him his manga as the big brother looks at the pages the little one was reading...

Big Brother: *chuckles* so all I have to do is poison them. Hehe.

The two brother then got off from their bus as the big brother says to his little brother...

Big Brother: Listen little bro,  you and I are practically invincible together. Between your stand, a manga that tells the future...and my stand which my face allows me to transform into anyone! No one can get in our way! Those guys are good as dead! We represent the tarot cards known as Tohth, the god or writing, and Khnum the god of creation! And together we are Zenyatta Mondatta brothers! The best brothers ever!

What are Zenyatta and Mondatta's plan to take down the crusaders????


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