Trying 12: Brooms with nails

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Law didn't even have time to park the car before you jumped out. He watches you as you run up the porch steps and run into the house without even opening the door all the way. You enter the house and look around, bloody paper towels are on the floor. You run around the house, but you can't seem to find them. You run out the house frantic and shake your head to Law, they weren't here anymore. You jump back into the car, you were starting to hyperventilate.

"Hospital now." You gasp, pulling out your phone. You call two numbers, the first one to Garp.
"(Name)?" You hear him pick up and as soon as he says your name you start to fall apart. You explain the calls they sent you and the fact you can't find them. You hear Garp sigh, he tells you to calm down and check the hospital. He says this isn't the first time they pulled this stunt. But you barely hear the last thing he says while you turn to Law to confirm which hospital they should check, you hang up the phone.
"The one closest is probably the best place to check first..."He comments, turning left onto a main road. You nod numbly and dial the second number.
"(Na-" You didn't give him time to confirm it was you before you started talking. You explained everything that happened today and you start to cry again.
"(Name) calm down...I'm sure they're fine. Keep going with Law to the hospital, if they aren't there call back, I'll go out and look for them." You hear Smoker say calmly, you take a deep breath and sigh.
"I fucked up..." You sigh again covering your face, you feel someone grab one of your hands and pull it over to them. Looking over at Law he glances at you,
"Calm down, it's alright..." His voice calms you a bit and you give him a weak smile.
"He's right, I'm sure they're fine, you didn't fuck up. You only had them for what, a week? or has it even been a week yet? You got them Tuesday, today's Saturday. You just need to relax. Panicking isn't helping." Smoker says, you sigh again and try everything you could to relax.
"Alright..." You say, you hear Smoker give a quick bye and hang up. You look at Law who didn't let go of your hand, he rubbed circles on your hand with his thumb. It was soothing.
"Sorry about lunch..." You give a dry laugh and he looks over at you with a small frown.
"It's okay...there's always tomorrow." He says giving you a small smile. You smile back, he was being unusually kind today. Normally it was hard to get him to smile, and when you cry he doesn't normally comfort you. You let out a small laugh, what's the world coming too?

He pulls into the parking lot of the hospital and you jump out the car again, running up to the emergency room entrance. You get inside and see a long line of people in front of the desk, you stand at the back of the line fidgeting, you couldn't stand this. Law comes in a minute later and see's the line and scowls. He grabs you and walks up the the front desk, you hear people behind you complaining. The woman looks up at the both of you and glares.

"You have to wai-" She starts but gets cut off by Law.
"We're looking for her kids." He says pointing at you, you nod and take a deep breath.
"One of them got hurt, we can't find them anywhere. I was hoping that they might be here!" You look at the nurse pleadingly, she frowns at you.
"How old are they?" She asks staring at you, you flinch under her stare.
"The older two are ten the youngest is seven..." You say slightly above a whisper, she looks at her computer with a frown on her face.
"Names?" She ask clicking away at the keys.
"The one that got hurt is Ace, Portgas D. Ace..." You say quickly, fidgeting with your fingers again.
"His brothers, if they brought him here, would be Sabo and Luffy.." You continue, she types a few more things and writes something down on a sticker and hands it to you.
"He's in surgery, but the other two are in the waiting in his room, when he's done he will be moved there, they are on the third floor, room 308." She says, you pale and nearly collapse. She looks at you startled while Law picks you up.
"I need a wheelchair over here!" The nurse calls out, someone runs in and places you in a wheelchair. You cover your face with your hands starting to cry, the people in the line behind you get very quiet. Law takes the chair wordlessly and pushes you over to the elevators. He presses the button for the elevator to come down and starts to rub your shoulders.
"Relax." He whispers, you shudder and sob harder.
"W-what the hell happened...!?" You hiss. The elevator doors open and he pushes you on and presses the three button.
"That's what we're going to find out..." He answers back calmly. You pull out your phone and shakily get on chat.

KiraKira joins group.
Drunk: (Name) What happened.
KiraKira: He's at the hospital, he's in surgery.
Bookworm: Oh my god. (Name) are you okay?
KiraKira: No.
Drunk: Relax, I'm sure he'll be fine!

Before you could respond the elevator dings, you put the phone to sleep. It dings softly every time someone on chat says something, the sound is almost soothing. Law pushes you down the hall, you take a deep breath and rub your eyes. You probably looked like crap, and well you felt like it too. Law pushes you into the room and before you can get a good look around you get tackled.

"(Name)!!" The two boys scream, jumping onto your lap. They cling to you crying and you just hug them. Law stands back a bit, looking around awkwardly.
"What happened..?" You asked after a few minutes of hugging, they look up at you, tears still pouring out their eyes.
"W-we..." Sabo and Luffy start, they explain everything that happened and then they explained that the doctors noticed Ace had a hole on the side of his head, so Sabo concluded that the boy who hit Ace had a nail sticking off the handle of the broom. You wanted to scold them for not asking you to take them to get their loot, but the look on their faces made you loose any shred of anger you had. Wordlessly you just hug them again and they start to cry.

"So now we wait..." You whisper looking up at the clock on the wall.

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