Trying 18: The Ninth Tail

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.:Two Years Earlier, July 12th:.

Your eyes were closed and your headphones were on, your favorite music blaring at almost top volume, blocking out the world. You could feel someone come up beside you. You were laying on the rooftop of the Red Hair Mafia's hideout, you yawned and opened your eyes, looking right into the mirror image of yours.

"Cole." You greet him while he smirks down at you. He was a boy, only eighteen, with the same face as yours. His hair was messier than usual today. You reach up and fix some of his hair, he pushes you away and glares.
"(Name), get up I got something cool to show you!" He grins and grabs your arms, pulling you up. You glare at your twin and huff.
"I was take a nap. Nii-san." You said the last part in a mocking tone. He frowns, pouting slightly.
"Come ooooon. It'll be cool I promise!" He grins again, pulling you with him.

He drags you off the room, both of you land on the ground unharmed. You look around and see Shanks standing a few feet away, he grins at you.
"Hey (Name)! Look look!" He says patting a large box next to him. You look at it suspiciously before turning to your brother.
"What is it?" You ask, ignoring your boss. Shanks gives you a slight pout before coming over and throwing an arm around your shoulder.
"Come on I'll show you!" He grins, pulling you away before Cole can speak.

He pushes you over to the box and does a sort of Ta-da! thing with his arms. You stare at it, it looked like a giant wooden box.
"'s a box." You deadpan, both your boss and your brother sweatdrop.
"Yes, yes it is a box. But you need to open it (Name)!" Shanks says, urging you to open it. You turn to your brother, who is grinning ear-to-ear. You turn back to the box and place a hand on the lid and push it. It slides off onto the ground next to it and you gasp. In the box was a baby white tiger, you gape at it confused.

"Cora sent it! For you, for our birthday today!" Cole says grinning, you look at him surprised.
"Cora did...?" You gasp, looking down at the animal, it looks up and yawns. You reach down and pat the top of it's head.
"It's so cute...~" You whispered softly, both Cole and Shanks grin at you.
"Told you she'd like him." Shanks said, Cole turns to him and glares.
"You said she'd hate it!" Cole yells, Shanks sweatdrops and tells the boy to shut up.

You rolled your eyes at them then turn back to the cat. You pet behind it's ears and it licks your wrist.
"Your a boy huh..?" You whisper, smiling down at him. You pick him up, it was a bit larger than a house cat, and you knew it would only get bigger. You grinned and snuggled it.
"I'll name you...!" You start, tilting your head to the side in thought. The color of it's fur reminds you of a certain someone's hat, and not to mention that same certain someone's guardian is the one that sent you the tiger.
"Truffle..!" You decide, both of the guys behind you stare at you.

"Truffle!?" They gape at you. You giggle at them and nod.
"Yes, Truffle! I bet that would please Law." You giggled while your brother rolls his eyes.
"Augh, that guy..." He sighs and crosses his arms. Shanks laughs and walks over and pets the large kitten.
"Hello there Truffle." He chuckles when the cat licks his hand.
"Alright, time to get inside. Time for cake...!" Shanks cheers, running into the building. Your brother sighs.
"You'd think it was his birthday today..." He grumbles while you laugh.
"I dunno, I think it's kinda cute." You say walking in, your brother stares at you.
"Oh god, please don't hook up with the boss, please!" He yells while chasing after you.

.:Three days Later:.

You watched as your brother changed forms, like you he ate a zoan type fruit. But he only changes into a black panther rather than some mystical beast. You were nervous, because once he was done it was your turn to train. You had managed to unlock the Ninth tail's ability last week, but something felt off about it, and you were worried.

Your fruit was special, but it was very dangerous for you to use. Each tail of the Ninetailed fox had a special ability, but using more than one ability used up a lot of energy. And no matter how much you trained your body, you could never use two abilities at the same time, it was almost suicide.

One time you fought an enemy and wiped them all out, but because you used three tail abilities in one fight, it knocked you out for almost three weeks. After that Shanks said I needed to be more careful when using my abilities. The higher the tail, the more energy it uses. And you could now use the last one.

You were worried because something about the last one felt evil. You knew Ninetails were evil creatures. The legend that came with your fruit is that the fox you turn into, was born from darkness. And from it comes the darkest flame, the coldest flame. Which was odd because your flames were hot. Your flame was purple and faded into blue on the tips, they were extremely hot flames. So that didn't match what the legend says at all, until last week.

You were by yourself, which you weren't suppose to do, because using your powers to much can make you faint. They didn't want you to hurt yourself because you ran off and trained alone somewhere and then pass out like some moron.

You were pushing yourself hard that day, wanting so badly to see what the last tail could do. But then something inside you snapped, it felt wrong and sick. Your shadow started to shake and nine tendrils came out, your shadow lifted itself up and covered you, you felt cold. Like you were thrown into the snow after sitting in a really warm room. It hurt to breath, the air around you kept getting darker and darker until you fainted. Unable to handle the pressure and power that comes from the final tail. You woke up the day before your birthday, you told Shanks what happened and he told you not to try that again until he says so.

And now he was about to say so. You could feel the power in the back of your mind, sitting there, festering, trying to claw it's way out. And it scared you. You paled a bit as your brother's training comes to an end. He walks over to you with a grin until he see's your face.

"What's wrong?" He asks, touching your shoulder. His eyes widen and he turns and calls Shanks over.
"She's unnaturally cold." Cole says, holding onto your shoulder. Shanks feels your forehead and his eyes widen.
"Is it..." He asks, remembering what you said about the ninth tail. You nod and stand up shakily. Your brother looks at you, his face screamed that he was worried, but you gave him a nervous smile.
"It'll be fine..." You said, walking to the center of the field.

If only you knew how wrong you were.

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