Trying 10: Bloody problems

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It has been a few days now, sense the boys moved in. They still slept in one room, but otherwise seem to be doing just fine in this house. Garp came over again yesterday to make them train, to be great cops one day, or so he claims. You placed two boxes of cereal on the counter next to four bowls and a gallon of milk. The boys were bickering over who gets which cereal. There wasn't much of the sugary fruit puffs left, and all three of them were hell bent on getting the last bowl.

"You had it yesterday, so it's my turn!" Luffy yells, reaching for the box. Ace smacks his hand away from it, scowling at him.
"All three of us had it yesterday you moron!" He corrects, swatting at Sabo who just tried to grab the box. You laugh at them, they all turn to you glaring and you just laugh nervously.
"I want it!" Luffy whines, reaching for it. Ace snatches it up, only to lose it to Sabo who takes it from him.
"Boys..." Your voice falls onto deaf ears, they are pulling the box back and forth. Oh you knew how this would end.
"Boys..!" You raise your voice slightly, but they still don't hear you. The box starts to rip apart, you take a deep breath.
"Boys!" You yell and they freeze, a loud rip follows almost instantly afterwards. Followed by the sound of cereal pouring all over the floor. They all groan and you just sigh.

You walk into the hallway and pick up a broom, a dustpan, and you grab the trashcan. Handing the trashcan to Luffy, the Dustpan to Sabo, and the broom to Ace. You point at the mess and they groan again. After some pouting, and arguing, they clean up their mess. While they did this you made frozen waffles, if the cereal is lost, then make waffles! After breakfast they asked if they could go to the park, you said sure. But before you could say anything else they were out the front door. You sigh, now what were you going to do. Pulling out your phone you check the chat.

KiraKira joins group.
KiraKira: Anyone on?
Bookworm: I am. How are you today (Name)?
KiraKira: The boys went to the park, I'm bored... It's quiet when they leave the house.
Bookworm: I'm at work right now, so I can't help you with that...
MrFuzzyHat: Good morning. (Name), I'm in class but I have a free period around lunch.
KiraKira: Hiiiii Laaaw~. And really? Oh wait that's right three times a week your lunch is free right?
MyFuzzyHat: You keep forgetting?
KiraKira: No! I just...have more important things to do than remember thou's fucking schedule!
Bookworm: (Name)..
KiraKira:....Care to have lunch MrFuzzyHat?
MrFuzzyHat:...What?...Whatever, sure. That's not my name on chat still is it?
KiraKira:.....................................................BYE GUYS TTYL ROBIN, see yah in an hour or two Law
Bookworm: lol.
MrFuzzyHat: (NAME) That's still not my name it is????
KiraKira left group.

You put your phone to sleep and laugh softly to yourself, how long have you had his name that? Maybe you should change it? But to what? You thought to yourself with a small smile. You had called him that as children, only because back then you called people by their last names, and you couldn't pronounce his. So you did the next best thing, you gave him a nickname, that followed him into adulthood. Aren't you a great friend? You looked at the clock, you had a few hours to kill, so what to do.

~With the Boys~

They had just left the house and were on their way to the park. Luffy picked up a stick and swung it around, singing something about southern islands and pineapples. Sabo laughs at him, while Ace just rolls his eyes.

"What should we do today?" Luffy asks, taking a break from his song. The older two look around, thinking for a moment. What should they do?
"We should go check on our stash, then probably get some more money?" Sabo hums thoughtfully, Ace nods.
"Yeah, we should probably move it closer to our new house..." He cuts in. Luffy frowns and looks mildly worried,
"No one has been guarding the tree, what if someone found it?" He asks, the other two freeze for a moment, looking at each other shocked.
"He's right..." Sabo starts and Ace scowls.
"I hate it when he's right..." He growls, starting to run towards the Orphanage.

After an hour of running they make it to the old building and sneak around the side to get to the back. Considering the time of day, the kids were already doing chores. They needed to be careful not to get caught by the older group or the old woman. Sabo went first, darting across the back of the yard, it's good they chose the tree furthest from the house. Ace followed after, both of them waited behind the tree for Luffy. Who stumbled a bit and fell onto his face halfway to the tree.

"Well well well, look who's back boys. The little rubber dipshit!" A boy stopped working and sneered at Luffy, having seen him fall. The other boys in the area stopped and smirked, Ace scowled at them,
"Shit..." He muttered, Sabo climbs the tree.
"I'll get the loot, you get Luffy!" He whispers down to Ace who sighs, reaching into a hollow point of the trunk and pulls out a pipe. He smirked, well  might as well enjoy this. Luffy sits up rubbing his nose, tears building up, he sniffles.
"That hurt..."He whines standing up and taking a deep breath, only to be pushed roughly back onto the ground.
"And where are you going you little shit?" The older boy sneered, most of his teeth seemed to be missing and his face was covered in dirt. He was a fat kid with messy short dark brown hair. Luffy glares up at him and throws a punch at him, the older boy laughs as it bounces off his stomach.
"Aww, the little baby is crying." He sneers, kicking Luffy in the stomach. He kicks at Luffy's head, but then yelps when a metal pipe smacks him in the forehead. He stumbles backwards holding his head, the other boys pick up the brooms and glare at Ace, who just stands there smirking. Luffy gets up and glares at Ace.
"I can handle this..!" He pouts and glares when Ace just laughs at him.
"Right, like you were just a second ago?" He teases, Luffy huffs.
"S-shut up!" He whines, the fat boy picks up one of the brooms and swings it handle first at Ace, who just moves out of the way.

Luffy throws another punch at him, smacking him in the nose. The older boy yelps again and holds his now bleeding nose, Ace swings at the boy's knees and he collapses on the ground. The other boys ran forwards, swinging at Ace and Luffy. Ace dodges most of them, but then gets smacked on the side of the head by one of the boys. Luffy punches them spastically, using the early stages of a skill he'd use later, gatling. Most of the boys fall to the ground, Ace holds his head, rubbing it and wincing when he touches a now bleeding wound. The boys get up and walk towards them. Ace looks back at the tree.

"Sabo! Any day now!" He calls out backing away, Luffy looks at Ace, who was bleeding quite baddly.
"Sabo, Ace is bleeding!" He calls out, watching Ace stumble a bit.
"Okay got it lets go!" Sabo calls out jumping out of the tree with a large bag. Ace and Luffy run around the house, with Sabo close behind. They made it halfway home before they stopped running to catch their breath.
"T-those assholes..."Luffy gasps, taking deep breaths. Sabo places the bag down and sits on it.
"At least we got everything..."He gasps, closing his eyes for a second. They both look over at Ace startled when he suddenly collapses.
"Ace..!?" They both yell running over to him, but he was unresponsive.
"He's still bleeding!" Luffy gasps, starting to cry.
"W-we need to get home now, (Name) will help." Sabo says picking Ace up. Luffy grabs the loot and start to run home.

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