Trying 22: Law get's burned

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"(Name)..." Law says, making you stop peeling papers off the floor so you can turn to him. He was holding one of your old sketchbooks. You walk over and see it was from five years ago.
"Ooooh that's an oldie..." You gasp, taking it from him. You open it to see some messily sketched scenes, flipping through you stop on a sketch of Law. You giggle while he looks over your shoulder. It was of him asleep in class.
"I remember this..." He says, sounding mildly surprised.

"I woke up while you were drawing, you were so focused you didn't even notice.." He chuckles to himself. You nudge him with your elbow with a pout on your lips, your cheeks lightly flushed.
"I suddenly look up and your eyes were open and you were staring at me, I nearly jumped out of my skin..!" You whine slightly, he just chuckles and takes the book.
"That was while we were still dating right?" He asks, you flinch slightly. You didn't like to talk about your old relationship with him. Mostly because you still loved him, but he had made it clear that it would be better if we stayed friends. When you don't respond he looks at you, his expression became a bit cold.

"(Name)..."He says lowly, you look up at him and sigh.
"I suppose that was...I don't really remember." You lie, his gaze narrows. He knows you remember, but he lets it go. He flips to another page and it stops on a sketch of Cole. He tilts the book away from you so you don't see. He stares at the image his neutral expression turning into a small frown. You see this and try to peek over his shoulder but he closes it abruptly.

"Let's keep cleaning." He says while tossing the sketchbook onto the bed. He gets up and walks over to a pile of papers.
"O-oh Okay..." You say, turning back to what you were doing before.

It took you both over two hours to finish cleaning that room. You sigh while standing back up, stretching.
"Aaaaaaah~ Now I need a nap..." You yawn, Law looks over at you and frowns.
"Your bed is currently being preoccupied." He says, his frown worsening when you jump onto the bed in the spare bedroom.
"This one isn't~" You giggle, snuggling into the pillows with a sigh.

"That's my bed." He says from behind you. You ignore him until he turns you over, you slowly open your eyes with another sigh.
"You gave up that title if I remember correctly, Trafalgar." You said coolly, you see his right eye twitch. He stares at you, thinking about who knows what. The tension kept rising, he leans forward, his nose almost touching yours.
"I don't give things up. What's mine is mine." He states and your gaze narrows into his.

"My house, Trafalgar. And what's mine is not yours, not anymore anyways." You respond, your tone getting colder. He smirks suddenly.
"I don't give things up." He says, you look up at him confused. He just chuckles darkly before sitting back up.
"The kids awake." He says nonchalantly. You look over at the door to see Ace standing there with a disgusted look on his face.

There was a long pause, you open your mouth to say something but then close it. Your push Law off the bed, he just starts laughing at your expression as your face turns red. You glare at him, his attitude was pissing you off.
"Get out." You said coldly, he stops laughing but he is still smirking at you. Your glare worsens and he just shrugs, walking out the room.
"I was serious about that by the way." He says right before leaving the room. Ace just glares at him as he walks past him and down the steps. He then turns to you and gives you a disapproving look. You frown at the kid.

"Hey! I don't need your approval about the men that I'm with." You huff, his expression turns into a glare and you pout slightly.
"You could have helped me..." You huffed again, Ace looks at you confused. You sigh and shake your head, you notice the sketchbook and smile while picking it up.
"Hey check this out! This is my sketchbook from my early years of high school~" You tell him, he walks over at looks at it curiously. He takes it and opens it to the first picture, which was of the town. You sketched it while sitting on top of the school roof. His jaw drops slightly and he looks up at you.
'You drew this?' You could almost hear him ask, you grinned.
"Yep, I drew this!~" You said and he looks back at the book, turning to the next page. It was of a forest, near the RH HQ. He turns the page again to see a picture of the lake that was near the orphanage, he stares at it.

"I use to be in the orphanage..." You admitted, he looks up at you.
"I never got adopted...So when I got fed up with all the other kids I would run off to the lake, and just sit out there..." You sigh, he stares at you for a bit before turning back to the book. He looks at the details a bit more before turning the page, it was the picture of Law. He frowns and scoffs at it. You giggle at him.

"You don't like Law much do you?" You ask him, he huffs. It's not that he doesn't like him... He looks back up at you with a frown on his lips, and then back at the sketchbook.
"We use to date.~" You said, making Ace look back up at you with a shocked expression.
"But he broke it off, when he made his mafia group a year and a half ago." You shrug, trying to act indifferent.
"We dated for...oh gosh four and a half years?" You hummed, Ace frowned. No wonder you were so close to him.

"He broke it off because it was to dangerous or something like that..." You sigh, shrugging again. Ace looks at you with a bored expression. You grin at him, of course he doesn't care about that kind of stuff. He goes to the next page and it's of Zoro. He looks at you as if to ask who this was.
"Zoro, A friend of mine. Knew him sense junior high." You said, he nods then moves onto the next picture. You feel your heart skip a beat, Cole. Ace looks at the picture then at you, then back at the picture. This was obviously a guy, but he looked just like you at the same time. He realizes who this was and quickly closes the book. He glances up at you, you look like your in pain. He puts the book on the bed and abruptly grabs your arm and pulls you.

"Foob!" He says pulling at you. It takes a few tugs to pull you out of your slight daze.
"Huh?" You mutter looking down at him. He yanks your arm harder and frowns up at you.
"Foob. Wunsht...Wunch!" He says, trying to get you up. You realize he was asking for lunch, you give him a big smile.
"Okay! Food!~" You sang while getting up, he pulls you into the hall and down the steps. You get down the steps and see Law in the living room.

"Your still here..?" You ask him, he looks at you and raises an eyebrow.
"Nooo...obviously not." He says sarcastically. Ace glares at him and pushes you into the kitchen.
"Ahh Ace..!" You gasp, almost tripping and falling onto your face. Ace walks into the living room, you peek around the corner and you see him trying to push Law out. You giggle a bit, Ace can be such a sweetheart.

"What's your problem kid?" Law says, brushing the kid off. Ace pushes him again.
"Weave." He demands, Law smirks.
"You want to wear a weave?" He teases, Ace's face turns red and he punches Law's leg.
"Wave er awone." He says pushing him again. Law glares down at him.

"Leave her alone?" He asks grabbing Ace by the back of his shirt and picking him up.
"I don't have too." He says coldly, dropping Ace when he started to flail around.
"Law." You said. You glared at him, he just smirks at you.

"I won't hurt him." He says smoothly. Ace gets back up and starts pushing Law again, getting even more pissed off.
"I want to talk to you..." He continues, ignoring Ace. You look at Ace, a bit concerned about his temper. Ace suddenly catches fire and gets pushed across the room by Law.

"Fuck...!" He gasps, brushing the flames out on his pants and lower portion of his jacket. You run over to Ace and try to calm him down.
"Ace..!" You gasp, grabbing onto him. His flames immediately subside, not wanting to burn you. Law glares at him once he puts the fire out on his clothes.
"That hurt.." He sighs, stopping himself from saying something stupid and walks over to the both of you.
"You okay kid?" He asks, Ace glares at him and grabs onto you. Law frowns at him then at you.

"We'll talk later I guess..."He sighs before standing up and walking to the front door. You look at him, opening your mouth to say something but then before you have the chance too Law closes the door behind him.

You look down at Ace who was still holding onto you while glaring at the door. Well he 'helped' this time...

"Thanks..." You said giving him a small smile, he looks up at you and grins. He suddenly frowns when his stomach growls, his face turns pink. You giggle at him and stand up, pulling him up with you.
"Alright, lets have lunch!" You cheer, he grins at you again and runs into the kitchen. You look at the front door with a small frown on your lips.

What could he have wanted to talk to you about?

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